Lost Ark: Pheon Market Tax Explained

Stefany Hernandez
2 Min Read

Pheons is a type of currency that players use when trading and bidding on the Auction House. But what exactly is the reason why we have this Pheon tax in the first place? This guide will explain everything about the Pheon Market Tax.

Pheon Market Tax – Lost Ark

In Lost Ark, there is a system called the Auction House, which is basically the marketplace for the players to trade and sell items. However, regulating the economy and market of the game can be difficult when there are bots around.

This is where Pheon comes in. Pheon is a currency that you need to purchase with crystals if you want to trade or bid in the Auction Market. Why do we have this? Adding the Pheon to the Auction house can help reduce the bots taking over the market and regulating item prices.

If the Auction market does not use any Pheon tax or tax in general, it will be incredibly easy for players to buy and resell items at a higher price. This will cause the price in the auction market to inflate.

But why do we need to use Crystals to purchase Pheons?

The main reason why we need to use crystals to purchase Pheons is simply that there is no other main use for Crystals in the game. This can help slow down the bots because you need to exchange your currency to the Pheon first instead of just using gold.

Unfortunately, the bot problems still exist, and all we could hope is for future improvements on Lost Ark’s side in due time.

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Stefany has always been inspired by the narrative design, creativity, and world-building of video games. She is an avid gamer and an indie game developer that loves creating content for gamers like herself.
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