Super League Soccer is a Roblox love letter to the sport it’s based on, as it is an incredibly easy to learn but difficult to master experience with fast-paced action. In this guide, we will be teaching you how to do a relatively simple feint that will let you get past defenders with ease!
How to Body Feint
Feinting is incredibly easy to do and really effective even against the most experienced players. You don’t even need to memorize any timings or special key presses for this one.
Basically, while the ball is in your possession, all you have to do is turn around very briefly and then turn back around to continue on to your original direction.
If you do this fast enough, your opponents may try to intercept you in the wrong direction, creating a lot of space between you and them. This can be done repeatedly to throw off their defense.

That’s pretty much all there is to it, and you can even spice things up by actually changing your direction instead of feinting if they get used to you doing it too much.
And that is everything you need to know when it comes to doing feints in the game. On the flip side, if you aren’t sure what to do while on the defense, check out our complete guide on defending in Super League Soccer!