The list of endings in Easiest Game On Roblox has reached a staggering number of 80 unique endings. And to top it all off, 10 new endings are added each week. With each new ending added, players start to search for it left and right in the game. But the developers are getting smarter and now some endings out there require completing specific endings beforehand. Such is the case with Revive Ending which requires getting the Skeleton Ending first.
How To Get Revive Ending
So, on today’s agenda, we have to raise a skeleton back to life but not with the power of necromancy. What we need is cheese and not just any cheese will do.
We need the magical cheese to raise the skeleton back to life and get the Revive Ending. Keep reading to find out more. To get the Revived Ending, we first need to get the Skeleton Ending.
Skeleton Ending
In order to get the Skeleton ending first, follow these steps: As you start out in the Normal World, proceed towards the Cheese World.
Normal World
Get to the Cheese World by pushing the Yellow Ball in to the gap as shown in the image below.

When the Yellow World hits the bottom, the area will start glowing yellow. Jump down when the area below is still glowing.

When you hit the bottom, you will end up in the Cheese World.
Cheese World

The next steps require you to get the cheese. To do so, proceed towards the Huge Magical Cheese and click (or tap) to get the cheese.

If a single click (or tap) does not give you the cheese, then click (or tap) multiple times. Once you get the cheese, put it away.

Now you have to push the Yellow Ball towards the marked area. Be careful not to touch the cheese with the Yellow Ball as it will trigger another ending.

After pushing the Yellow Ball to the edge, jump on it to get to the top. We found it helpful to jump on the center of the Yellow Ball.

After getting to the top, jump down in the hidden gap. This will take you to the Underground Area.

Underground Area
Once you get to the Underground Area, turn around to find the Key. Do not pick the key YET. First equip the cheese you got earlier and give it to the Rat. The Rat will make some noise (of eating the cheese).

Once the Rat is done, pick up the Key.

Once you get the Key, make your way towards Keith (the plain looking guy trapped behind bars on the other side of the map). The lock to the door is on Keith’s side, so give the Key to him.

Keith will use the Key to unlock the door and get out. There is a Hidden Area behind where Keith was first standing. To access the Hidden Area, go inside the black wall.

Once you are inside the Hidden Area, you will notice a Skull lying on the ground, pick it up. After picking up the Skull, make you way towards the top again by climbing the marked area.

When you get back up to the Cheese World again, You need to go to the Secret Cave. Simply push the Yellow Ball towards the dark colored square area visible in the wall.

Upon contact of the Yellow Ball with the wall, the entrance to the Secret Cave will be open. Make you way inside the Secret Cave.

Secret Cave
You will fall and end up on a giant red button which will turn black. The button will start the timer of a bomb attached to it. The bomb is set to explode in 120 seconds. Go below where the arrow is marked.

As you fall down, go straight. On the right side, you will notice an empty area inside the wall.

The body of the Skeleton is lying inside. Make you way towards it.

Equip the Skull which you got from the Underground Area. Place the Skull at the top of the Skeleton’s Body.

When the Skull is in place, the Skeleton will get up and start walking.

The Skeleton will ascend towards the surface and the Skeleton Ending of Easiest Game On Roblox is complete. Now, click on Retry, so we can start working on how to get the Revive Ending.

Getting Revived Ending After Skeleton Ending
Now, go back to the Cheese World by pushing the Yellow Ball into the chasm.

Jump downwards to get teleported to the Cheese World.

Once you arrive in the Cheese World, go towards the Giant Floating Cheese (but do not get too close) and tap or click on it to get cheese.

After getting cheese, put it away.

Now go towards the Red Ball (without having cheese equipped). Push the Red Ball towards the corner where the arrow is marked.

Once the Red Ball is in position. Equip the cheese you got earlier and feed it to the Red Ball.

As soon as you feed the cheese to the Red Ball. Make your way towards the other side of the map and do it fast because the Red Ball will start expanding now and you do not want to get caught in its expansion.

Once you reach the safety area, simply wait for the Red Ball to finish its expansion.

After the Red Ball is finished expanding. Head back to the place where you fed it cheese. You will notice that the cheese you fed it has now turned into Magical Cheese and appears to be glowing.

Pick up the Magical Cheese and head towards the Skeleton which is lying nearby on the ground.

Feed the Magical Cheese to the Skeleton.

After eating the Magical Cheese, the Skeleton will revive back to its original body. And this completes the Revived Ending.

Congratulations on getting the Revived Ending. The Skeleton Ending was very long on its own but now combined with Revived Ending, it is much longer now.
There are many more endings like this in Easiest Game On Roblox with prerequisite ending requirements and getting them all by yourself can be very time consuming but we have compiled an extensive guide on every ending available, check it out here: Easiest Game On Roblox: How To Get All Endings.