Using an ODM is pretty mandatory in the world of Untitled Attack On Titan. You won’t always get away with ambushing a giant by waiting on top of a tree.
Chances are they’ll even see you first. Moving around them on foot makes you look like an all-you-can-eat buffet as well.
Just like a good soldier, each mobility gear is different and will help you move around with ease. Most importantly, they’ll help keep your head intact.
Find out which ODM Gear is the best in Untitled Attack on Titan by checking the tier list below!
Best ODM Gear Tier List in Untitled Attack on Titan
There’s a total of seventeen different ODM Gear to choose from. Each gear will have their own chances to get for each roll.
The rarer the ODM, the smaller chance of you obtaining it. Every ODM will have their own strengths and weaknesses. Everything else will rely on player input.

S Tier
- New Years Gear – Considered to be the best gear in the game. It has an impressive array of abilities, improving the titan killing efficiency of the player. Obtainable by killing the Fireworks Boss.
- Savage Demise – Since this is a mythical gear, you only have a 0.5% chance of getting this from the shop. It has a very high range, damage buff, and overall speed, making it rather easy to do missions, bosses, and waves.
A Tier
- Gold Hunter Gear – An excellent pick whenever you’re going out on a mission. You can use it to farm gold from titans. However, it doesn’t let you self-heal so think twice before you take on a boss with it.
- Grinch Gear – This gear was only obtainable during the 2022 Christmas Event. It’s a great choice if you happen to be a gas guzzler as it prevents gas consumption for a short duration of time.
B Tier
- Candy Gear – One of the legendary 3DMG. A limited gear that went around during the 2021 Christmas update. At the time, it was the best gear around as it can heal you on the fly. That was two years ago, which means you can’t get this gear anymore.
- Dragon Breath Gear – A mythic gear that used to be good for bosses. Now, it got nerfed since you can only kill titans with this by hitting the nape. Titans no longer die from getting hit on their arms or legs.
- Godly Gear – This gear is great against bosses. You can do Self-Heals with it as well. As a legendary gear, it only has a 1% chance of obtainment through a spin.
- Ice Gear – This is a legendary gear that you can only get during the 2022 Christmas Event. Compared to the other legendaries it doesn’t really have that much. Still, a legendary is nice to have.
- Perfect Model Gear – Another legendary gear that has good speed and range but lacks gas capacity. This is a great choice for grinding and also increases your chances of survival. The only other downside aside from the gas is the low damage multiplier.
- Pumpkin Gear – Getting the Pumpkin Gear is only possible during the 202 Halloween Event. It’s good for mobility as it gives you a speed boost for a limited amount of time. Aside from that, you’re better off with the Perfect Model Gear.

C Tier
- Boosted Gear – A decent pick for beginners who just started playing the game. It serves as a direct upgrade from the Alpha Model Gear with its increased speed, gas reserve, and range.
- Christmas Gear – Another limited item from the Christmas Event of 2022. Unlike the Candy Gear, this one is not that good as it doesn’t have any useful skills. You can’t get this anymore as well.
- Easter Gear – Obtainable during the Easter Event of 2023. It’s just like the Thunder Spear Gear; both aren’t really that good.
- Thunder Spear Gear – This gear involves using thunder spears for its base attacks which are limited and have to be restocked frequently. Recommended use during combat is ranged. Treat this as if you were using the Easter Gear.
D Tier
- Medic Gear – Slightly better than the Alpha Model Gear since you can heal yourself with it. But other than that, it doesn’t really have any other uses.
E Tier
- Alpha Model Gear – A pretty common gear to get. Doesn’t really have a lot of good skills, let alone any at all.
F Tier
- Default Gear – You’d have to be really good to be able to put this gear on a higher tier.
That’s all of the gear you can get in Untitled Attack on Titan. Make use of what you can and get better gear later on, for now you’ll have to make do with surviving.
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