With a new month comes yet another update for Doors, which is a horror game on Roblox all about unlocking new paths and avoiding various monsters that will try to kill you along the way. In this small update, a handful of new badges were added to the game, and in this guide, we will be showing you how to get all of them!
How to Get All Badges in New Secret Update
With the end of The Hunt 2024 on Roblox, the Doors developers decided to do something new once more by adding a bunch of new stuff that players can do.
One of the new features includes a new lower floor inside the hotel. There is nothing to do there just yet, but we can easily assume that this will be used for a new challenge in the near future.
Aside from that, you can also go outside of the hotel itself, revealing the eerie and empty void that the establishment is situated in.
But that’s not all! If you go out of the door and walk to your right, you will see the entrance to the backdoor. This is a secret new level, and we will talk about this even more a little further down this guide.

Unlocking the Hotel’s Backdoor
In order to unlock the backdoor of the hotel, you will first need to have the Detour achievement. Long-time players will probably already have this because it’s an old badge, but just in case you don’t, we’ll give you a condensed guide here.
First, you will need to go through Floor 1 as you normally would. But first, before you start the run, you will need to get two lockpicks. These can be found as a random spawn or in the pre-run shop for 50 knobs each.
In addition to that, you will need a Skeleton Key. This can be found as a rare random spawn throughout the level. If you aren’t lucky enough to get one, you can also buy it from the shop after Door 52.

Avoiding Certain Death
As you play the game normally, watch out for any monsters that spawn. The following are some tips to help you survive throughout the run:
- When the lights start to flicker, that means Rush is coming. Find and hide inside a nearby closet until it leaves the area.
- When you hear something go “psst”, this means that a Screech is coming for you. Immediately check your surroundings and then stare at it until it goes away.
- When you see black and white eyes all around the walls, Seek is going to spawn shortly (this happens after Door 30). Simply avoid all obstacles and keep running through glowing doors until the chase ends.
- A purple glowing aura in the room means that Eyes is nearby. Avoid looking at it or else you will take damage.
- Figure is a guaranteed enemy at door 50, which is the library. Crouch and hide inside closets to avoid it as you search for the books with code numbers that will let you unlock the next door.

The Skeleton Key
Once you get past the library and reach Door 52, you will be able to buy a Skeleton Key from the store in this room. If you forgot to get lockpicks, you can also buy some here!
This will set you back 250 gold, so make sure you have enough to spare once you make it this far! These can be found all throughout the previous rooms, so don’t forget to search everything along the way.

The Secret Room
At some point within the 60s, you will encounter a room with a hidden path behind a set of wardrobes to your right. When you get to this type of room, do not go through the hidden area just yet.

Instead, proceed to the next room, which will be guaranteed to have a lever that you need to pull. Once you pull this lever, a new area will open inside the secret path in the previous room.

Finally, as you make your way through this secret path, you will eventually stumble into a locked door that is labeled A-000.
This is where all of the tools that you bought earlier come into play. With the two lockpicks, you can remove the padlocks on the door. Finally, the Skeleton Key fits nicely into the skull.
Once you interact with this door, click on “Continue Run”. This will get you the Detour achievement, as well as put you in a level called The Rooms. We don’t need to complete it for the purpose of this guide, though.

Getting the “Around Back” Badge
Now that you have the Detour achievement unlocked, the path to the backdoor will now be open. Go back to the main lobby and get out of the hotel.
Turn right and continue down this path until you reach the glowing door at the end. Once the game loads, you will be teleported to The Backdoor. Walking through the first door will get you the new Around Back badge!

Getting the “Other Way Around” Badge
If you participated in Roblox’s The Hunt 2024 event, this should be a little more familiar to you. Basically, you will have to complete a special level that forces you to speedrun through the whole thing.
This is reportedly a harder version of what players had to go through during The Hunt 2024, so be prepared for a more challenging run this time around!
The Backdoor – Special Mechanics
If you haven’t played any version of The Backdoor before, you have to keep in mind that you are on a timer when you enter it. When the timer runs out, you will fail the run as a special entity will start chasing you.
Throughout the different rooms, you can encounter timer levers. By pulling these, you will raise the clock by around 30 to 60 seconds. Each lever can only be used once, but they are lifesavers for sure, so keep an eye out for them.
Your remaining time can be checked by looking at the levers whenever you find them. It is also displayed as you approach the next door in any room.

There are also vials of starlight that you can find all throughout the many rooms of The Backdoor. These can heal you and provide a slight speed boost for a few seconds.
Use these whenever you are being chased by an entity or if you are running very low on time. It temporarily lights up your surroundings too, so it can act as a light source if needed.

The Backdoor – Special Entities
Unlike the regular levels, The Backdoor has some of its own special monsters to look out for. The following list will tell you what they are and how to deal with them:
- The Lookman – This entity works almost the same as Eyes. It is a tall translucent figure with glowing eyes. Avoid looking into its eyes or else you will take damage.
- Blitz – The Blitz is basically just a green version of Rush, and as such, you should hide in a closet if you hear it coming. Just note that it can rebound, so be careful not to leave the closet too early.
- Haste – Finally, Haste is a red skull that only spawns whenever the timer reaches zero. If you somehow find and pull a timer lever while it’s active, Haste will despawn until time runs out again.

After avoiding all of these monsters and making sure the timer stays above zero, you will eventually reach Door 0000. This is pretty much the finish line, and upon interacting with it, you will end the run and get the Other Way Around badge!
And those are all of the new badges in the somewhat secret update that was released right after The Hunt 2024. If you are still unlocking the other achievements for the game, here is our guide on how to get the Hotel Hell badge for Doors!