Another day starts another batch Fecund Blessings to collect. The Feast in Full Swing portion of Fecund Blessings is now in effect, meaning there are now 8 more gifts to collect, making a total 16 gifts. 8 from When the Music Sounds and 8 from The Feast in Full Swing. That’s a lot of gifts, right? But don’t worry, because we will help you find all of them easily. This guide, however, will focus on one of those gifts. This one will focus on the gift that is located at the side gate.
Gift Go Unnoticed At The Lake’s Side Gate – Genshin Impact

This gift is actually pretty easy to find. You can find it in Mondstadt, specifically at the side gate that leads to the lake.

From the Teleport Waypoint in the city, you will have to go down these set of stairs that lead to the side gate.

The gift can be found on a cart, which is not exactly hiding very well because of the colorful flowers on top of it.