The new update 5.2 has brought a variety of new quests to Genshin Impact. Normally, you are able to keep track of these quests via the log. However, there is a secret quest whose location you will not have from the beginning. This is the secret Magnifico quest.
Can’t seem to find this quest even after exploring the entire area of Natlan? Not to worry, we have you covered! In this guide, we’ll show you the location for this secret quest and also how to complete it. Let’s get into it!
Natlan 5.2 Magnifico Secret Quest
The secret Magnifico quest in Genshin Impact is divided into three World Quests. You will basically need to start it at a hidden location, after which you will be able to track all three quests.
So, let’s go through each of them and see how to complete them.
Secret Quest Location
The first quest in the Magnifico questline begins by going to the secret location at Natlan. The exact location that you want to head to is shown in the image below.
The fastest way to get here is using the Teleport at the Flower Feather Clan if you have already unlocked it.

When you arrive here, you should see a fallen child with a ??? mark on them. Approach the person and this will start a cutscene. Go through the dialogue options until they eventually ask you for some water.

At this point, you can investigate the area and interact with the clues if you want to get the full picture of what happened. However, for the main objective, you’ll need to get water to the lying person.
To do this, first interact with the marker that you see under the tent. This will allow you to transform into an Iktomisaurus.

After you do so, interact with the nearby graffiti that you see on the wooden stump. Use the Iktomisaurus’s ability on it so that you can absorb it.

Next, you want to use the ability with the E key next to the fallen person. Doing so will spawn a blue rock next to them.
After placing the rock, start firing water at it. Make sure to get the water to hit the fallen person. If you do it right, the water will revive the person and they will wake up coughing.
The person will reveal themselves to be Magnifico in a cutscene. After that, you will get the Dancin’ In The Moonlight World Quest. You’ll need to go to another location to continue the questline.

Quest #1 – Dancin’ In The Moonlight
For the next quest, you’ll need to head to the location shown below in Genshin Impact. This is the same area where the masters of the night wind teleport is located. If you already have it unlocked, simply teleporting there should get you to start the quest.

When you do arrive there, a cutscene will play out. After that, Magnifico will instruct you to help him with the lighting of the photoshoot. You’ll see various spots marked where you can place braziers for the lighting.
For this part, you’ll need to interact with the nearby marker again so that you can transform into a Iktomisaurus.
After that, look at the nearest blue graffiti and interact with it with the Iktomisaurus ability. Once that’s done, you’ll be able to place a brazier.

The correct position for the first brazier is shown in the image below.

Next, use the Iktomisaurus’s ability on the other blue graffiti that you see nearby. Keep in mind that reabsorbing the same graffiti will not work.

After you’ve done that, you’ll be able to place the second brazier. Be sure to place it in the position we’ve shown below.
If you got the positions right, then Magnifico will let you know the lighting is suitable. This will start another cutscene that will end the Dancin’ in the Moonlight quest.
At the end, Magnifico will give you the location for another shoot.

Quest #2 – Come Fly With Me
To start the next quest, head to the location of the next shoot. The location will be marked on the Genshin Impact map as shown below, west of the Flower Feather Clan.

When you arrive here, another cutscene will start where Magnifico will fill in the details. After that, you will be transported to the top of the cliff as a Qucusaurus.
Your goal will be to dive down from the cliff and reach the target when Magnifico’s countdown reaches 1. This can be trickier than it seems because Magnifico will often forget where he is in the countdown.
We recommend flying off and gliding around as you slowly reach the target. Just when the countdown is about to reach 1 you can dive down. You will have a small window where you will have time to reach the target.
Even if you do fail, you can just walk to Magnifico again and set up the dive again. There will also be markers nearby that allow you to transform into the Qucusaurus again.
Once you get the timing right, another cutscene will play before the end of the quest. Magnifico will give you one final shoot location for the end of his questline.

Quest #3 – Stand By Me
For the third and final Magnifico quest in Genshin Impact, you’ll be heading north west of the Flower Feather Clan location. The exact location will be marked by the icon shown below.

When you arrive here, a cutscene will play where Magnifico will explain to you his setup. After the cutscene, you will automatically transform into a Qucusaurus. If not, you can do that by interact with the nearby marker to transform into one.
Next, you’ll need to go to the nearby Tepetlisaurus and approach it from behind. When you are close to it, you’ll see the option to interact with it. Use the ability to indwell into it. After that, you’ll be able to control it.

While controlling the Tepetlisaurus, return to Magnifico and talk to him. He will now tell you to stand in certain spots which will be marked near the baby Tepetlisauruses.
You can go to each of them one by one and Magnifico will not be happy with them.

For the final position, you’ll need to go to the middle of a rock. You can get here by using the Tepetlisaurus’s ability. When you do get here, Magnifico will lose his interest and get distracted by the baby Tepetlisaurus.

So your next objective is to follow where the little creature leads you.

Following it a few feet will reveal some enemies. You will now need to defeat them, including the trapped Sumpter Beast. Once the beast is defeated, you’ll get another cutscene where Magnifico thanks you.
This will signify the conclusion of the Magnifico questline in Natlan, for now at least.

That’s everything you need to know about the Magnifico secret questline in Genshin Impact. Once you do find the location of the initial quest, the others can be followed pretty easily. The puzzles can get confusing at times, but you’ll be able to get the hang of them soon!
When you’re done here, there is a pretty cool boss not far from the Flower Feather Clan location. Check out our how to find the tenebrous papilla guide if you want to fight it!