Video game puzzles can be a hit or miss depending on a lot of things. Some horror games break the thrill and horror by throwing a random puzzle at you. While other games add such simple puzzles that a head of lettuce can solve it so you ask why they even bother adding it to the game. Then you have some puzzles that are actually enjoyable to solve and take a bit of thinking.
Hogwarts Legacy has some puzzles that can make your noggin think a bit harder, and in this guide, we’ll show you how to solve one of them.
The Astronomy Wing Door Puzzle In Hogwarts Legacy
While playing the game you might notice that there’s a door in the Astronomy wing at Hogwarts. This weird door has multiple symbols around it as well as two devices at its side for you to interact with that change their symbol.
You can see all of this if you cast Revelio in the area.

The puzzle is actually quite simple, there’s a number in the middle of each triangle on the door. Then there are smaller numbers around the big number along with a question mark.
You need to know what number is in the question mark to add all 3 and get the middle number.
For example, the top one has “5” with three and zero around it. So you need to add 2 to get 5! But where are the numbers?

That’s where the symbols come in, each symbol is actually a number, from 0 to 9. The image above shows how it is.
So to solve this puzzle you’ll need to put the symbol for “7” on the right mechanism. And then put the symbol for “2” on the left one. I’ll let you figure out why that is on your own.
Many thanks to Game Guides Channel for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their YouTube video out!
ALSO READ: How to Open Eye Chests in Hogwarts Legacy