If you have somehow obtained the Musical Map and it just sits in your inventory without you using it to get to the treasure, you are in the right place. Although it seems like a hard challenge to solve, in this guide we will make it as simple as possible and give you all the treasures and rewards that it offers. Let’s get started and point you in the right direction.
How to Use the Musical map to Find the Treasure – Hogwarts Legacy

This is the location where you need to be heading in order to get to the Music Map’s marked area and region.
As you come here, you can notice a fairly big but ruined castle building with a lot of bells on it. You shall need to ring the bells in the right way to be able to get to its treasure.
Music Puzzle Solution

These are the first three hits that you need to hit on these bells. You can use any type of spell or just the auto attack button will do just fine.

These are the second 3 hits that you need to hit on the bells as well.

And these here are the last 2.
Once you hit all of these bells in this same exact order you are going to get the very popular soundtrack of Harry Potter and a Chest will spawn right next to you meaning that the puzzle and musical map treasure has been uncovered.
We hope that this guide has helped you out with what needs to be done in order to solve the music puzzle and challenge. Enjoy doing it yourself and have fun obtaining the loot!
ALSO READ: How to Solve Henrietta’s Hideaway Cubes Puzzle – Hogwarts Legacy