We all know that Blizzard hasn’t been in the best of states these past months and that shows in their games as well. They get a lot of flak but there’s still a lot of great things about their games, and Overwatch 2 is no exception. The game is releasing new heroes and Kiriko is one of them, a Japanese shrine maiden character with a modern twist. She’s one of the new support characters in the game but make no mistake, she can still fight well! In this guide we’ll show you how Kiriko plays and how she handles in Overwatch 2.
Kiriko Beginner’s Guide For Overwatch 2
Kiriko is a support character in Overwatch, and that means she’ll either buff the team, help with utilities or heal. In this case one of her abilities is her healing ofuda, which are paper talismans she throws out and it seeks allies to heal them.
For her healing you don’t need to be directly aiming at your ally to do healing since the talismans will home into them when possible. That means you just need to aim at the general direction of your ally.

Kiriko also has a main attack which is her Kunai, something to fall back on when you’re supporting your team. The body shots with the kunai are alright, but head shots are ideal since Kiriko has one of the higher critical damages in all the support characters.
One of her abilities is Swift Step, where she teleports to an ally even if they’re behind cover. This is great when you want to jump in and support allies or to quickly reposition yourself.
Her passive ability to wall climb like Genji or Hanzo adds to the character’s mobility as well.

Another ability is the Protection Suzu, which is a grenade that she throws and it explodes making nearby allies invulnerable for a brief moment as well as removing any negative effects.

Her ultimate ability is the Kitsune rush, where she summons a spirit fox that rushes forward, and anyone near the fox gets buffed. These buffs include higher movement speed, higher attack speed and lowering cooldown. A great opener for a clash!

Congratulations you now know the basics of Kiriko in Overwatch 2, now go out there and try the hero out!
Massive thanks to BRO YOU WACK for showing everyone how this hero works, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: KIRIKO Beginners Guide (New Overwatch 2 Support Hero!)
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