Let’s face it, nobody likes to grind in video games. That’s why most people go for the most efficient ways possible to shorten the grind. Some games even let you skip the grind or make it shorter with paid content.
In Pet Simulator 99, getting a Huge Pet can be a bit grindy, but there are ways to get them faster. What’s great is that even if you’re a Free-2-play player you can still do it!
In this guide, we’ll show you the best ways to get a Huge Pet in the game. We’ll go through a Free-to-play method as well as a paid one for those who have Robux to spare.
Best Huge Pet Method Guide
Normally players can get Huge Pets by hatching their best eggs in the rotation. With the new Christmas update coming, a new rotation will be revealed.
Even though this is possible, even veteran players can go through hundreds of hours without hatching one. The chances for it are very low, so we’ll have to look for better ways to get them.
Free To Play Method
Our main goal for this method is to get enough diamonds to buy a Huge Pet. One of the cheapest huge pets often sells for around 300,000 to 400,000 diamonds.
We’ll need to get to that point first, and the best way is to sell pets.
First off, you’ll want to equip your best team of pets as well as your best enchants. Make sure to also have some flags and boosters to make things easier.
Now, go to the Dojo area and start grinding. What we need to do here is to farm as much Platinum Bars as we can.

Once we have a sizable amount of Platinum Bars, we’ll want to go and buy the 63rd egg in the spawn world. We’ll also want to get as many pets as we can but we’re aiming for Ninja Mascots and Ninja Turtles.
Make sure to use Auto-hatch and get as many buffs as you can for luck before hatching eggs.

Once you have a lot of Ninja Mascots and Ninja Turtles, go to the Gold Machine and convert all of them to gold versions.
Afterward, you’ll want to go to the Rainbow Machine and convert the gold pets to rainbow ones.

Lastly, we’ll want to go to the Fuse Pets Machine and combine the Ninja Mascot and Ninja Turtles. Doing so will give you a chance of either getting the Rainbow Cyborg Dominus or a Rainbow Ninja Cat.
The chances of them are 40% and 20% respectively. Add 24 Ninja Mascots and 45 Rainbow Ninjas to get them.

Now all you need to do is go to the Trading Plaza and sell the Cyborg Dominus for around 8,000 to 10,000 diamonds and the Ninja Cats for 5,000 to 6,000 diamonds.
Now, all you need to do is repeat the process until you get enough money to buy a Huge pet!

The most common and cheapest huge pet you can get is the Huge Hell Rock and often they sell for around 400,000 diamonds. If you find someone selling them for cheaper, then go ahead and buy it!

VIP Game Pass Method
The next method is just like the previous one where we get as many Diamonds to buy a huge pet. The difference is that it’ll be a lot faster with this method and won’t take as much effort.
First off you’ll want to buy the VIP Permanent Game Pass from the game’s shop. It costs around 400 Robux to get it.

Once you have the VIP Pass, you’ll want to go back to spawn and equip your best team of pets. Make sure to at least have around 1,000 in power.
Next to the spawn is the Diamond Mine, you can go there and farm diamonds.
Make sure you have the best Diamond Enchant Books as well as some Orange Fruits, Diamond Potions, and Diamonds Flag to maximize the grind. With all of those buffs, you’ll farm a lot of them.

Now, all you need to do is grind for Diamond until you get around 400,000 diamonds. With the maximum buffs, you can easily get around 150,000 diamonds in an hour! Now, you can buy that Huge Pet!
Those are the best ways to get Huge Pets in Pet Simulator 99. Go out there and try all these methods out yourself!
ALSO READ: Pet Simulator 99: How To Prepare For Christmas Update & Update 2 Leaks