The new Second Piece update has brought all sorts of new content to the game, including new locations, bosses and specs. Many players are excited to try out the new Grimmjow spec. Additionally, there is also a meme spec available in the form of Saibaman. Want to get your hands on both of them, so that you can try them out for yourself? Not to worry, we have you covered. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get both of them, alongside a showcase so you can decide whether they are worth the effort. With that said, let’s get into it!
Grimmjow & Saibaman Guide
Grimmjow (Pantera) and Saibaman are both new specs with vastly different obtainment methods. While Saibaman is powerful, it only has one move and is not a spec that you can rely on. Pantera, on the other hand, is a spec with a diverse moveset.
Another new spec is also discussed in our cid v3 complete guide.
How To Get Saibaman
To get the Saibaman spec in Second Piece, you will need to obtain the ‘1% of Saibaman’s Power’ item. This item is not easy to get and requires a lot of luck to get.

There is a very low chance for you to get this item from Random Item spawns with a 15% chance for it to spawn every 2 hours. Random Item spawns are items that spawn every 30 seconds – 5 minutes on fixed locations on different servers.
So, you might need to rely on server hopping to maximize your chances.
Additionally, every 2 hours, one guaranteed 1% of Saibaman’s Power or Dragonball will spawn on the server. This will not be announced in chat though, even if you have an Item Notifier.
So, you will need to simply check common item spawn areas to see where you can find it. Keep in mind that this guaranteed item will despawn every 10 minutes.
Some common areas where 1% of Saibaman’s Power can spawn are:
- Niflheim
- Ape Realm
- Frost Isle
- Yggdrasil
- Shark Isle
- Forgotten Isle
- Warrior’s Retreat
- Hueco Mundo.
Once you obtain 1% of Saibaman’s Power, use it and you will get the Saibaman spec. Doing so will also give you the ‘Strongest Dragon Ball Character’ title.

Saibaman Showcase
The Saibaman spec only has one move: Z – Saibaman Bomb. This is a self-destruct move which causes the user to die. It offers 100% true damage but has a very long cooldown of 300 seconds.
While it can one shot any enemy, the damage won’t be counted as yours. So, that means you can’t use it to receive rewards from bosses killed this way.
However, the main advantage of this move is that you can eliminate players even if they are in a Safe Zone.

How To Get Grimmjow (Pantera)
To get the Pantera spec in Second Piece, start by making your way to the new Hueco Mundo island. Once here, you will need to farm Arrancar Soul Fragments. These are dropped by killing Arrancars on this island.
In total, you will x75 Arrancar Soul Fragments.
After that, make your way to the Aizen NPC on Hueco Mundo. You can give him the x75 Arrancar Soul Fragments to summon a boss of your choice. In this case, you will want to summon the Grimmjow boss.

Next, you will want to farm Grimmjow until he drops the Pantera item. This item has a 3% chance to drop from this boss. So, depending on your luck, you will need to defeat him multiple times.
Once you get Pantera, use it and you will be able to get the Pantera spec. Additionally, you will also acquire the Jaegerjaquez title.

Grimmjow (Pantera) Showcase
Unlike the Saibaman spec, the Pantera moveset is actually viable in the game against bosses. Here are the moves you get with this spec:
Z – Mauling Claws
The user summons a set of claws that scratch at the enemy with medium range. It has a 3 second cooldown and can be used to stun an opponent for one second.
Using this move will render you stationery while you use it.

X – Panther Swipes
With this move, the user will deal a continuous swirling move that will move them forward. You can control the direction of your movement while this move lasts. It has a 1 second duration with a 3 second cooldown.

C – Desgarrón
The user will jump in the air and scratch towards the ground below. This will unleash a large AoE attack that covers a large area. The move has a 8 second cooldown.

V – Gran Rey Cero
This move is the Pantera user’s ultimate, dealing a lot of damage by unleashing a huge explosion towards the player. It can be used to stun the enemy for 3 seconds too with a 30 second cooldown.
However, this move will take away 10% of your health, so use it wisely!

That’s everything you need to know for the Grimmjow and Saibaman specs in Second Piece. Hopefully, with this showcase, you’ll have a better idea of whether you want to focus on getting these specs or not. Since all the new specs rely on luck, we recommend focusing your efforts on those that you feel will suit your playstyle!