Most of the Christmas quests in Survive the Killer are pretty easy to finish, except for the Snowman Pieces.
You might be wondering why since they’re all about looking for items and returning them to the spot. Or you might be here because you know too well how hard it is to find the Snowman pieces.
All Snowman Pieces Location
There is a total of 5 pieces for the Snowman that you have to collect in the 2023 Christmas Update to finish it. The pieces, however, only spawn in specific locations so we’re going to show you where to look for each part.
You can only return these parts if the killer doesn’t quit the game, so you can submit them to the Snowman.
Top Hat (Happy Neighborhood)
Look for this red building and go to the second floor. The Top Hat is sitting on the sofa you can collect. Make sure to escape from the killer.

Scarf (Classic Fairgrounds)
In the Classic Fairgrounds, find yourself at the exit where there’s a Ferris Wheel. Then just go straight down the path until you see a small ditch here. The Scarf is tucked in the corner behind the tree.

Carrot (Night School)
The Carrot is pretty easy to find. It is located in the kitchen area of the cafeteria in Night School map. Just go to the backroom with the fridge and the Carrot is on the table.

Coal (Paparoni’s Pizzeria)
For the coal, head to the grey gate exit and then head right before the exit. There is a small vent that is covered by curtain. Crawl through it to get the lump of Coal for the Snowman.

Sticks (Dead Man’s Point)
Sticks are possibly one of the easiest to find, just next to the fountain. This fountain is near the train and a barn around one of the exit doors. It’s pretty obvious.

Cookies and Presents that spawn can replace these Snowman pieces. So, if you haven’t collected them all, you want to return to these places to collect the pieces.
Those are the locations for all 5 Snowman Pieces in Survive the Killer. Once you do, you can now complete the Snowman and get your 10 Gems reward!
ALSO READ: Survive The Killer: 2023 Christmas Update Guide & Code