Finding out the right strategy for a level can be fun and engaging, but for harder ones, you might hit a wall. You might get stuck at a level and no matter how you try to beat it there’s no chance at all. Sometimes, it’s best to get another’s perspective on it!
In Tower Defense Simulator, there are some challenges that you can do to get various rewards. One of these challenges is the “Back To Basic” challenge where you can only use a preset of basic towers. The challenge comes from the basic towers and a few bugs in the game.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to beat the Back To Basic Challenge in the game. We’ll go through what you’ll need to win and where you should place your towers. Now, let’s see what we’ll need to do!
How To Beat New Back To Basic Challenge Maps
There are a lot of challenges that you can try in Tower Defense Simulator and the “Back to the Basic” one is the hardest. Right now, there is only a specific way of beating this challenge and a lot of players think this one is too hard. That’s because to beat the challenge you’ll need to use consumables!
Here are all of the Consumables you’ll need to have to beat this challenge:
- Nuke
- Blizzard Bomb
- Airstrike
- Damage Flag
- Cooldown Flag
Along with the Consumables, it’s best to bring your friends to play this map. It will be easier if you can coordinate with a couple of friends to beat it. Make sure to at least have 2 other players, so you can have an easier time.
Wave 1 – 29
When you start the challenge, you’ll spawn the Dusty Bridges map. What you and your friends need to do is start placing Soldiers after the first bridge as shown below. Make sure to upgrade them and keep placing them as the waves go by.
Fill up the area between the first and second bridges first. Make sure that you use up all the space and upgrade them when you can. Once the area is filled, go place more Soldiers after the second bridge.

The first 30 waves aren’t that difficult and you can easily beat it by just using Soldiers. Just keep on stacking and upgrading them as shown below. The hard part of the challenge starts after wave 29.

Wave 30 – 34
When it comes to Waves 30 to 34, you’ll encounter tanks. At this point, you might not have enough soldiers to cover the area and these enemies are quite fast. So, when a tank spawns in use a Blizzard Bomb or even a Flash Bang to stall it.

You’ll also encounter Giant Bosses, but they’re slow enough that your soldiers should be able to whittle them down. This goes the same for the Necromancers that spawn in these waves.
Wave 35 – 39
After Wave 34, you’ll need to have nukes, that’s because at Wave 35 a Warden will spawn. The Wardens that will spawn after this point will have around 40,000 HP and they’re relatively fast moving. Your soldiers will not have a chance of dealing with them so better to use a Nuke on them.
Wardens will spawn on Wave 35, 37, 38, and 39 as well as the last wave. Use a nuke when it looks like your soldiers won’t be able to kill it.

You can also use a combination of Blizzard Bombs as well as Damage and Cooldown Flags to deal with these waves. Make sure that both flags overlap each other and affect as many of your towers as possible.

Wave 40 (Last Wave)
This is where most of the Micro-management happens for this challenge since you’ll have to deal with the Fallen King Boss. Once the boss spawns, start using both Damage and Cooldown Flags to affect as many of your soldiers as possible.
At this point, you should be maxed out in towers and the rest of the spawned enemies shouldn’t be a problem.

As the boss starts moving through the path, some of your towers will inevitably be not in range anymore. When that happens, make sure to sell them and then place new ones further down the path. Don’t forget to upgrade them!

Don’t forget to use consumables and also place some high-damage towers like Snipers to defeat the boss. If done correctly, it should be defeated just after it crosses the third bridge!

That’s how you can beat the Back To Basic Challenge in Tower Defense Simulator. Now, go out there and try it out yourself! Want to try and get the Nuclear Accelerator in the game? Check out our How to Get Nuclear Accelerator Easily Guide for more details!