
Exoprimal: Skywave Exosuit Guide

Bring down all those Pteranodons.

Exoprimal Skywave guide

There has to be that one user who uses Skywave Exosuit in Exoprimal just because she flies. Mastering her entire skillset, however, takes more than just flying as she’s a very versatile character with a lot of utilities. Whether that’s to heal, deal damage, or cause chaos to the entire enemy team, here’s the guide to perfect your Skywave skill.

Skywave Exosuit Guide

The Basics

The best thing about Skywave is her ability to stay on air away from dinosaurs reach and most melee attacks, much like Overwatch’s Mercy. Before you think about your module picks and builds, it’s highly recommended that you first master the ability to fly.

Alternate between spacebar-floating and using her Q to thrust her back into air. Keep practicing this by staying afloat even when there’s no enemy so you get used to her controls.

Exoprimal Skywave guide

Next is her healing capability. Skywave heals or damages the enemy with her basic attack depending who she hits. Depending on module pick, her projectiles don’t hit as fast either. She’s not an absolute dedicated healer and is more of a support DPS most of the time.

She can also heal herself after 7 seconds of taking no hit which makes taking health module unnecessary.

But don’t think that she cannot be the character that saves her friends! Let’s talk about her modules that change her gameplay entirely.

Suit Module

Exoprimal Skywave guide

The Aether Enhancer wins in terms of performance by a landslide compared to the Aether Accelerator. Aether Enhancer increases your basic attack heal and damage by 20% which is a lot better than the other one.

The Accelerator does not increases your ASPD. You still shoot at the same rate, but your projectiles travel faster. Which actually sounds like a completely useless buff and if you’re having issues hitting your shots, aim training is something that many people do to overcome this issue.

No shame to having to aim training – pros spend hours to aim train before hopping in games! This way, you can make full use of her other kits.

Action Modules

Skywave’s action modules is very, very useful. The first set is Dispeller and Graviton Shackle. Your pick will depend on your fighting style, if you want to dominate in PVP or PVE.

The Graviton Shackle is a crowd control module, perfect to draw-in mobs and allow your friends to land their ultimate in one go.

The Dispeller knocks back enemies and create space for your friends. It can also be used to put some distance between them and their payload, or to reset your team when you’re overwhelmed by dinosaurs. It also debuffs your friends and can turn your Skywave into a more aggressive Exosuit.

The second set is a showdown between Reload Stream and Quick Slip. To ask whether or not Reload Stream is better than the other depends on how aware are you of reloading. Reloading isn’t clunky in the game, but Skywave does have only 6 bullets on her.

Exoprimal Skywave guide

Quick Slip is, by far, a much better pick as it adds a lot to your maneuverability. It doesn’t let you fly as high, but fast enough to dodge attacks, especially during the PVP mode where ranged users can easily shoot you down. The Reload Stream only saves you a .5 second reload time which is barely anything.

Quick Slip makes her a scary hit-and-run flying Exosuit user who can also heal friends and passively regens her own HP when she sustains damage.


Rather than a team composition, Skywave is all about using her skills at the right time. For example, don’t use your Optics Jammer when your Murasame friend is trying to charge his Vajra Counter. Your Graviton Cage is also best used when a friend is trying to launch a one-line overdrive at the enemy, like Zephry’s overdrive.

Because she is a support DPS that heals everyone and herself and can be an insane targe to to hit with Quick Slip, the best playstyle is a perma-flying annoyance to the other team. Unless completely downed, you’re typically the last character to stand in a battlefield.

Remember folks, stay afloat!

ALSO READ: Exoprimal: How to Combo with Zephyr


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