
Jujutsu Infinite: How To Get Magma Shard | Volcano Deity Location

Careful when you hold it, it’s hot!

Jujutsu Infinite has arrived and players are already having a blast with the large number of quests that it has to offer. This includes facing off bosses so that they can level up and get even higher level quests. There are several rare items too that you can obtain from these bosses.

In this guide, we will show you how you can get the Magma Shard. This step also requires you to face off against the Volcano Deity boss so we will be showing the location for that as well, no matter what level you are. Let’s dive in.

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How To Get Magma Shard

Start by spawning into the game and go to the Missions area indicated by the giant green circle.

Interact with this Missions area, and you will find a large list of quests that are available to you. You get to pick one quest and it teleports you to the area of the quest after you press J.

If you are at a high enough level, you can just search up Volcano Deity and you can go directly to it.

However, if you are just starting out or are at a low level, you won’t be able to access this quest. Instead, search up Infection Anomaly.

Missions Menu in Jujutsu Infinite.

Select the quest that says: Deliver crate from Infection Anomaly to Lone Peninsula. After that, leave the green circle and press J. You will automatically be teleported to the quest area.

Choosing Infection Anomaly in Jujutsu Infinite.

When you land, immediately turn towards the area where you can see giant skyscrapers and cliffs. Essentially, you want to climb over these cliffs and head towards that general direction.

Direction with cliffs and skyscrapers marked in Jujutsu Infinite.

Climb over these cliffs and make your way ahead, jumping off the cliff that follows. There will be another skyscraper nearby.

Then, you should move to the right of it, heading towards the giant tree you see in the distance. This is where the lake will be.

Jumping down cliff right of skyscraper in Jujutsu Infinite.

Turn right when the lake ends and climb onto the giant boulder that is nearby. Jump off this boulder onto the cliff ahead.

Heading towards boulder near lake in Jujutsu Infinite.

Walk forward to towering cliffs towards a bit to the right. There will be a space between them that you can head towards.

Going between cliffs in Jujutsu Infinite.

Follow the path between the cliffs and climb onto the grassy rocks that look like platforms, keeping the cliff to your right.

After the third platform, jump towards the yellow marker and you will see a tall mountain, which you will need to climb. However, climbing this tall mountain directly is not feasible.

Directions marked showing direction from grassy rock to mountain in Jujutsu Infinite.

Instead, take a small detour to the left until you can climb the rocks that lead to the mountain. Once you’re on the rocks, keep climbing up until it ends. Now, you will need to use your E key to jump up onto the far-off platform. 

Jumping from rocks to mountain in Jujutsu Infinite.

You can hold E as much as you can to hover, letting it go once you are in range of the platform. This will give you a big boost of air that you can use to cover large heights and distances.

Jump from this platform again to the large mountain ahead. You will see a small building ahead that looks like a dojo.

Entering building leading to Volcano Deity in Jujutsu Infinite.

Approach this building and you will even see a Armor Crafter at the entrance. Enter the building and drop down the hole. Follow the lighted path ahead and you will arrive at the Volcano Deity boss location.

Lighted pathway to Volcano Deity in Jujutsu Infinite.

We recommend that you have a high-level friend with you if you are low level, as this boss can be quite tough.

Having a friend like this will help you to defeat the boss and get the Magma Shard as a drop. Defeating this boss like this will also allow you to level up fast.

Volcano Deity location marked in Jujutsu Infinite.

When you’re ready, jump up on the platform and start fighting the boss. The great thing about the Volcano Deity is that you even get loot just for damaging it, and you can take advantage of it.

Defeating this boss will reward you with a Lootbox, where you have a chance of getting the Magma Shard.

This means that you will need to keep grinding this boss until you get lucky and get the Magma Shard.

Fighting Volcano Deity Boss in in Jujutsu Infinite.

That’s how you can get the Magma Shard in Jujutsu Infinite. It can only be done by defeating the Volcano Deity, and if you are low level, make sure you can get a friend to come with you as support. After that, keep on grinding and hope that luck is on your side!

READ NEXT: Jujutsu Infinite: Beginner’s Guide | Domain Expansion, Fast Level, Reverse Technique & More


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