
Guts & Blackpowder: Surgeon Class Guide

The team can’t survive without you!

Guts & Blackpowder Surgeon Class Guide

When playing a new game, especially classed-based multiplayer games, it’s often tough to learn a new class. You’ll have to learn different mechanics, get used to their weapons and items, and so on. In Guts & Blackpowder, there are different classes you can play and one of them is the Surgeon. It’s one of the specialist roles in the game and comes with all sorts of things to learn.

In this guide, we’ll show you the things you’ll need to know about playing the Surgeon class. Now, get ready to do some healing since we’ll be doing a lot of that!

Surgeon Class Guide

The Surgeon class is an important role to be filled in Guts & Blackpowder. It’s a class that not only heals other players, but also gives valuable self-healing supplies that can be used anytime.

They don’t have that much offense since they only have a sword, but they’re a valuable member of the team!

Selecting The Surgeon Class

If the team needs one and you want to step up to the challenge, then press the “M” key to see the Regiment Selection screen.

From there, you’ll want to select the Specialist Tab and then take the Surgeon class. This class is available for every map except Sleepy Hallow.

This class has 3 main items, medical supplies and a box of bandages to heal the team as well as a saber to defend himself.

Guts & Blackpowder Select A Regiment

Playing As The Surgeon

If you have the Medical Supplies, you can see the total supplies on the lower right. From the most recent patch, the Surgeon no longer passively regenerates supplies. To replenish your supplies, you’ll need to take a more proactive approach by eliminating Shamblers.

When you successfully kill Shamblers, they will drop supplies, and you must collect them to fill your supply bar.

NOTE: If another class kills a Shambler, it won’t drop supplies; only when a Surgeon eliminates them will they release the much-needed resources.

Whenever you heal a soldier, you’ll need to select the Medical Supplies and click on the wounded soldier to heal them.

Guts & Blackpowder Medical Supplies

Remember that a soldier needs to have no items equipped to be healed, meaning you can’t heal them during combat.

That goes for you as well. If you have the Medical Supplies selected, you can’t be healed by other Surgeons.

Guts & Blackpowder Can't Heal

The next item you’ll need to learn about is the box of bandages. This box is considered a structure and thus can only be placed in areas where Sappers can place their buildings.

NOTE: A bandage only heals around 25% of your total health. So, get proper healing from a Surgeon!

Each box has 7 bandages and anyone can get a bandage to heal themselves when needed.

Guts & Blackpowder Box Of Bandages

There is currently a bug in the game where if you have the bandage accessory in the game, you won’t be able to pick up a bandage.

The developers of the game know this and are working on a fix. So, hopefully, it won’t be a problem in the future!

That’s all you need to know to play the Surgeon in Guts & Blackpowder. Now, go out there and try the class out yourself!

ALSO READ: Guts & Blackpowder: Sleepy Hallow Guide | “For Whom The Bell Tolls”


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