
Spider-Man 2: Retrieve The Raw Meat Guide

That steak’s so raw I can hear it mooing!

Spider-Man 2 is bustling with new encounters and situations for fans to get their fix with their favorite web slinging superhero. Players will find themselves in strange, and sometimes weird situations that they need to get past to finish objectives.

One of these situations is the Retrieve the Raw Meat objective. This is part of “The Flames Have Been Lit” questline in the main game. In this guide, we will show you how to get past this simple, yet tricky, objective. Soon enough, you will be able to continue with the rest of the quest!

Retrieve The Raw Meat Guide

After the cutscene finishes, you’ll find yourself overlooking a large room from above on a railing. The Raw Meat can easily be located via the objective marker.

However, it will look like there is no way to get above the meat since the Chandelier is actually in the middle of the room.

Good thing, you have a gadget that you can use here.

In case you forgot, Spider-Man actually comes equipped with Web Lines that allow him to create custom ropes that he can walk over.

It is very easy to forget you have them when you get absorbed in the game. So, equip them and aim them at an area that allows you to go right above the meat.

Just aim your web with the reticule towards a wall, ensuring that it is at the right height for you to get on it with ease.

After that, simply get onto the web line and make your way ahead. The people underneath will be none the wiser. Soon enough, you will be above the Raw Meat. 

However, there is a small obstacle that you need to get past. This is a Hunter that is staring directly at the Raw Meat. You can’t get the Raw Meat until his attention has been taken away.

So, you will need to distract him in some way. There are plenty of distractions in the room, but it needs to be one near the Hunter.

Look near him and you should be able to see a table with a glass display. Firing a web at it should get his attention and he will go to it to investigate.

Now that he’s distracted, you can press the L1+R1 buttons to retrieve the Raw Meat. After that, you can continue with the objective, which will have you doing something interesting with your newly acquired protein source!

That’s everything you need to know about Retrieving the Raw Meat in Spider-Man 2. This objective is very simple but can seem complicated if you forget you had the Web Lines gadget. However, with this gadget, you can easily access the Raw Meat and continue with the objective!

READ NEXT: Spider-Man 2: Find Ms Ferguson Guide


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