
Alan Wake 2: Track Nightingale at Cauldron Lake

Go around and look for more clues!

Alan Wake 2 Track Nightingale At Cauldron Lake

When going through Alan Wake 2 there are a lot of points in the game where you have to go around and look for clues. Sometimes it’s a bit tricky to find the right item or interact with the right object to continue the story. The game doesn’t hold your hand that much like other games and for some people that can be a problem.

In this guide, we’ll show you how you can Track Nightingale in Cauldron Lake in the game. It’s a multi-step process and it involves running around the place so let’s get going.

Track Nightingale at Cauldron Lake

Before you get this mission in the game you’ll be walking around with Casey to the site of the murder.

It’s your standard cinematic gameplay of walking slowly with an NPC as they talk and probably add context to everything. When you get to the Murder Site that’s where you’ll start looking for clues.

Look Around The Crime Scene

The first clue you’ll want to look for is the footprints near the murder site. They’ll be on the path leading away from the scene.

When you’re near it, you’ll see a magnifying glass icon to show you where it is. Interact with it to start the next part of the mission.

Alan Wake 2 Footprints

Follow Nightingale’s Trail

Once you’ve found the trail you can then start following it. It’ll continue through the muddy trail, and it’ll end on a swampy area where there’s ankle-deep water.

Continue onward going through the water until you see this info board on the Witch Ladle shown below.

Alan Wake 2 Witch Taldle

From the board go further to the left of it until you see this spot shown below. You’ll see a crevice with some blurry object on it.

That’s a Dark Substance and you’ll need to use the Flashlight Boost to remove it. You’ll have instructions on the screen on how to do that, for consoles it’ll be the R1 button, while for PC it’s the middle mouse button.

Once you remove the Dark Substance you can then get the next clue inside the crevice. This will continue the mission to the next step.

Alan Wake 2 Dark Substance

Locate The Witch’s Hut

The next step of the mission is to look for the Witch’s Hut. If you look at the map, you can see that the hut is just nearby from where you got the clue in the crevice. Head over there and look for a ledge you can go up to.

Alan Wake 2 Witch's Hut Map Location

The ledge looks like the one in the image below. Walk up to it and climb up to get to where the Witch’s Hut is.

Alan Wake 2 Ledge To Witch's Hut

Once you get near the hut, there’s going to be some dialogue and the next part of the mission will start.

Alan Wake 2 This Is The Witch's Hut

Investigate The Witch’s Hut

This time, we’ll need to investigate the Witch’s Hut. On the side of the hut where you came from, you can find a Fuse Box that needs a new fuse.

Alan Wake 2 Fuse Box

To get the fuse, you’ll want to start walking to where the fuse box is facing keeping an eye to the left.

There, you’ll find a barrel with some containers on top of it shown below. Inside one of the containers is the fuse you need, take it and place it in the fuse box.

Alan Wake 2 Fuse Location

With the fuse on hand, just interact with the fuse box again and select the Fuse on the upper right side of the screen. Once you place it in the light, the Hut will open.

Alan Wake 2 Placing The Fuse

Go inside the hut and to the left is a shelf that has the next clue for you to find. There is also a table there with a Coffee Thermos if you want to save the game.

Alan Wake 2 Witch's Hut Clue

With the newly acquired clue, you can then go to the Mind Place and place the clues you’ve found so far.

There, you’ll see a new question on what the ritual is. That’s going to be our next step in the mission.

Alan Wake 2 What Is The Ritual

Find Nightingale’s Missing Heart

While you’re in the Mind Place, go to the Question section and start asking about The Heart. Then, ask where it is. You’ll learn afterwards that the Heart is in the General Store nearby.

Alan Wake 2 The Heart Questions

We have a guide on how to find the Heart in the General Store, so make sure to go check that out for more details. There’s an enemy in the store as well. Make sure to get ready for a fight.

Alan Wake 2 General Store

Perform The Ritual To Open The Overlap

Once you have the heart with you, the next step of the mission is to do the Ritual itself. Luckily for you, we also have another guide on how to perform the ritual to open the overlap, so go check that one out next!

Alan Wake 2 Witch's Ladle Board

That’s how you do the whole mission of tracking Nightingale at Cauldron Lake in Alan Wake 2. Now, go out there and try to do it yourself!

ALSO READ: Alan Wake 2: Follow Nightingale’s Trail


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