
Call Of Duty MW3 2023: Crash Site All Collectible Locations | All Supply Boxes, Armament & Gear

The Crash Site is full of goodies to scavenge!

There are various Collectibles that players can obtain when playing the Open Combat Missions in Call of Duty MW3 (2023). These missions have a large map orientation and players and explore the entire area while completing their objectives. As a result, there are many Collectables scattered all around the map. One of these missions is the Crash Site.

The Crash Site mission has a variety of collectibles that players can get. This includes Supply Boxes, Armaments and Gears that will improve players stats and make their missions much more manageable. So, in this guide, we will show you the locations of all of these in the Crash Site mission. Let’s dive in and collect them all!

Crash Site All Collectible Locations

There are a variety of Collectibles that you can get in the Crash Site mission. There are Supply Boxes that provide you with some powerful weapons, including a wide variety of them. The Armaments can be powerful devices that will support you during missions.

Finally, there are Gear and Armor Slots which can make your Armor capacity much higher. If you are interested in Trophies, we highly recommend getting Armor Slots. Getting all of them in the game will grant you the Bulletproof Trophy

Check out this Bulletproof Trophy Guide which shows the location of all Plate Carrier Upgrades.


The first thing on the agenda is the Ascender. You can find it in an area to the top right corner of the map.

Ascender location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, you can find it near a wooden pole with a light. You can even see a Zipline point near it on the map.

Ascender location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Approach the wooden pole and you should see a bunch of black boxes on the right. Grab the Ascender and now, you can use Zipline points to zip up with incredible speed. A handy tool which you can use to get on top of rooftops quickly and easily.

Ascender on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Armor Slot #1

You can locate the first Armor Slot on this map a bit towards the left from the center of the map.

Armor Slot 1 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, it is inside the kitchen of a small house. You can access this Kitchen directly from an entrance on the top left side of the house.

Armor Slot 1 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Go through this entrance and immediately turn towards the right. You should see a table there with an old television. There will also be a Plate Carrier Upgrade there. Take it for your first Armor Slot on Crash Site.

Plate Carrier Upgrade in kitchen in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Armor Slot #2

You can find the next Armor Slot in an area towards the bottom left corner of the map.

Armor Slot 2 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

This one is also inside a house. On the top left side of the house, there is a small side room that you can access via an entrance.

Armor Slot 2 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Go through the entrance and you should see the room stocked up with computers and equipment. On the left, there will be a chair. The Plate Carrier Upgrade will be on it, and you can take it for the last Plate Carrier Upgrade.

Now, you will be much more tanky against any bullets that come towards you during this mission.

Plate Carrier Upgrade in side room in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Armament #1 – Sentry Gun

The first Armament is a Sentry Gun. You can find it a bit top right from the center of the map.

Armament 1 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, it is inside a large shed where there is hay and boxes stored.

Armament 1 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Enter this shed and you should see a large red box resting on a black box. On the right of this box, the Sentry Gun will be lying against some boxes. It is quite large in size and you should be able to make it out with ease.

The Sentry Gun is incredibly powerful and you can set it anywhere you see a lot of enemies. It has an automatic laser detection system. So, it will clear out any enemies that it detects, making it great against large crowds.

Sentry in shed on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Armament #2 – Cluster Mine

The Cluster Mine is another very useful Armament. You can find it towards the center of the map.

Armament 2 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, it is located on the roof of a small building.

Armament 2 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Approach the building and you should be able to see a small shelf near a wall. You can use this shelf to climb up to the roof with ease. There will be a wooden panel on the ground, on top of which there is a Cluster Mine.

Cluster Mines are really powerful allowing you to place multiple mines in a small area at once. They are great for setting up ambushes and preventing pushes from crowds of enemies.

Cluster Mine on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Armament #3 – Bomb Drone

The Bomb Drone is the final Armament that you can obtain on this map. You can find it towards the left from the center of the map.

Armament 3 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, you can find it in a small outdoor shack.

Armament 3 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Approach the shack and there will be a large red box there. Approach the red box and you should find the bomb drone on a smaller black box on the left. Pick up the Bomb Drone and now, you can activate it whenever you need it.

Bomb Drones are very good for clearing out groups of enemies quickly. You can even control the Drone and fly it towards enemies, blowing them up in the process. Just make sure you don’t direct it to close to yourself!

Bomb Drone on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Supply Box #1 – Munitions Box

You can find the first Supply Box a bit right from the center of the map.

Supply Box 1 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, you can find it under a large outdoor shack

Supply Box 1 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Approach the shack and you should see a large red box. Open this large red box and you can find the Munitions Box inside. You can use it to replenish your ammo whenever you are running low in battle.

Supply box 1 on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Supply Box #2 – Silenced SA-B 50

The next Supply Box will give you the Silenced SA-B 50. You can find it near the center of the map.

Supply Box 2 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, it is located on the rooftops of a small building.

Supply Box 2 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

When you approach it, you should see a small cage-like shelf near the wall of this building. Jump on it and you can use it to climb up to the roof.

Here, you should see a large red box. Open it to reveal the Silenced SA-B 50. It is a very handy weapon that can allow you to eliminate enemies from afar while maintaining stealth.

Supply Box on rooftop on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Supply Box #3 – Silenced M4

You can find the Silenced M4 inside the third Supply Box. The location for this box is a little bit North from the center of the map.

Supply Box 3 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, you can find it inside a large shed

Supply Box 3 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Approach the shed and you should see a large red box, where you can also find the Sentry. Open this box to reveal the Silenced M4 inside.

The Silenced M4 is really powerful since you can use it aggressively or for stealth. It also comes with a scope making it very versatile and a must have.

Supply box in shed on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Supply Box #4 – Armor Box

You will want to actually have some armor inside the Armor Slots that you picked up earlier. This is to ensure that you are jacked up against any damage.

You will need the Armor box for this, which you can find towards the north of the center of the map.

Supply Box 4 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, you can find it in a small outdoor shed.

Supply Box 4 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Approach the shed and you should be able to make out a large red box. Open this box to access the Armor Box inside.

This Armor Box can be used to slot into your Plate Carriers and protect you from oncoming fire.

Supply box in outdoor shack on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Supply Box #5 – Incendiary Lockwood 680

The fifth Supply Box contains the Incendiary Lockwood 680. You can find it towards the center of the Crash Site map.

Supply Box 5 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, it is inside a house that is located in the area. It is the same house inside which you can find an Armor Slot upgrade.

Supply Box 5 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Enter this house and make your way towards the main bedroom. Inside this bedroom, there will be a large red box. Open this box to reveal the Incendiary Lockwood Incendiary 680. 

It is an incredibly powerful Shotgun that can actually kill enemies from a decent range. The Shotgun is also Incendiary meaning the ammo can catch fire and melt any enemies that you shoot.

As a result, you can absolutely devastate crowds of enemies in short range fights.

Supply box in bedroom on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Supply Box #6 – Incendiary RAAL MG

You can get another incredibly powerful weapon from the sixth Supply Box. You can find it towards the bottom left corner of the map.

Supply Box 6 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, this weapon’s location is underneath a small shed in the area.

Supply Box 6 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

When you approach the shed, you should be able to find the large red box. Open it to reveal the Incendiary RAAL MG.

A very powerful LMG that you can use against a crowd of enemies to absolutely devastate them. It can also set fire on them, and you won’t even have to reload once by the time you’re done with them!

Supply box underneath an outdoor shed on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Supply Box #7 – Silenced Crossbow

If you’re in the mood for some stealth, the Silenced Crossbow has you covered. You can find it in Supply Box 7, which can be located towards the bottom left of the map.

Supply Box 7 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

This Weapon is also located in a small shed similar to the previous Supply box in the area.

Supply Box 7 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Approach this outdoor shed and the large red box will be next to a fence. Open it up to get the Silenced Crossbow.

This Weapon is great for stealth approaches. It comes equipped with a scope allowing you to take out your targets from far away with silence.

Supply box near fence on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Supply Box #8 – Heartbeat Sensor

The next Supply Box contains the Heartbeat Sensor. You can find it towards the bottom end of the map.

Supply Box 8 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, it is located outside a house with fire on it.

Supply Box 8 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Approach the house from the back and you should see some boxes lying next to a wall. There will also be a fire right next to it.

On top of these boxes, there is a small orange supply box. Open this box to reveal the Heartbeat Sensor inside. You can equip the Heartbeat Sensor on your Weapon and be able to see enemies in your vicinity.

It’s a handy attachment that ensures you are not caught by surprise when navigating through the map. Also, it works well with stealth and aggressive approaches.

Supply box near burning house on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Supply Box #9 – Kastov 762

You can obtain another great AR from the ninth Supply Box. You can find it towards the bottom of the Crash Site map.

Supply Box 9 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, it is inside a house in this area.

Supply Box 9 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Enter the house and navigate through the narrow hallways and rooms. There is a room with a small bed inside. On the opposite side of this bed, you can find a large red box. Open this box to reveal the magnificent Kastov 762 rifle.

This rifle comes equipped with various attachments including a scope. A great weapon that you can use for various fighting situations on the map.

Kastov 762 in Supply Box on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

Supply Box #10 – Silenced Victus XMR

Last, but not least, we have the Silenced Victus XMR in the final Supply Box. You can find this Supply Box towards the bottom of the map as well.

Supply Box 10 location on Crash Site map zoomed out in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Specifically, you can find this Supply Box underneath a small outdoor shed.

Supply Box 10 location on Crash Site map zoomed-in in Call of Duty MW3 (2023).

Approach the shed and you can find a large red box. Open it up and the Silenced Victus XMR Sniper Rifle will be waiting for you inside.

It is a bolt sniper rifle which is incredibly powerful from long range. Find yourself a nice high perch and rain down hell on your enemies!

Supply box in an outdoor shed on Crash Site in Call of Duty MW3 2023.

That’s all the Collectables that you can obtain on the Crash Site map. These Collectables cover a wide range of useful items, including Supply Boxes, Armaments and Gears. We highly recommend that you get these to ensure that you are ready for any situation during Open Combat missions. The Armor Slots will also get you closer to your goal for the Bulletproof Trophy.

READ NEXT: Call Of Duty MW3 2023: All Armament Locations | No Such Thing As Too Many Trophy Guide


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