The Talos Principle 2 is a game perfect for players that are interested in though provoking puzzles, that will have them constantly scratching their head and feeling enlightened. The world is chock full of them and the players are free to explore them. Fans have some really interesting Greek mythological figures to look forward to as well.
One of these puzzles is the Prometheus puzzle located in the Lost Marshes. This puzzle can get a bit tricky at times, as do most challenges in the game. In this guide we will show you the Solution for this puzzle step by step. In this way, you can complete it and get closer to completing the Lost Marshes puzzles. Let’s dive in and do some thinking!
Lost Marshes Prometheus Star Puzzle Solution
The Prometheus Star Puzzle is located in the Lost Marshes and can be identified by the large Prometheus Monument. On the front of this monument is a text board, providing you a clue to solving this puzzle. It says: Find my sprite and follow it until it leads you back to me.

So, you will need to locate the sprite somewhere in the Lost Marshes map. We will provide the directions to you.
Turn around and take an exact 180 from the statue. After that, make your way straight ahead, including dropping down the small cliff.
Keep going straight. The goal is to get to the coast and locate the sprite from there.

Once you reach the coast, turn towards the left and start walking along the water. You will need to keep your eyes out for a statue that is submerged in the water. The sprite will be waiting for you on a platform.

Getting to the sprite is fairly simple. All you need to do is to do some platforming and you will be able to reach the sprite.
Once you reach the sprite, it will immediately start running away from you. Chase it down!

The sprite will basically be leading you back to the Prometheus Monument. But you cannot go straight there because the sprite will stop at certain places.
So, you will need to touch the sprite at these places to get it to continue moving towards the monument.
You can use the blue trail coming off of it to ensure that you are locked in on it and don’t lose track of it.

The chase from here is pretty straightforward. Keep following the sprite and eventually it will reach a cliff.
Here, you will need to jump and actually touch the sprite to resume the chase. Otherwise, it will just stay there, and you’ll need to come all the way up, which is a hassle.

After that, the chase will be straightforward until the sprite will suddenly change direction and go up. This is a part that can throw off many players as it can be difficult to pinpoint where it is hiding.
It is actually hiding on top of one of the foundations of the Lost Marshes structure. You will need to go up this foundation leg and touch the sprite.

You can access this foundation by turning towards the right and climbing up some stairs. Right before the last set of stairs, take a right towards the cliff. You should be able to see the base of the foundation where the sprite is hiding.

Climb up this foundation until you are near the middle of the large structure. You should be able to make out the sprite as you ascend the foundation.
Touch the sprite and now you can resume with the chase. A nice little game of hide and seek!

After you touch the sprite, descend down the foundations. From here, the chase is pretty much straightforward.
It will only stop once near a small cliff and you can easily get past this, like you did with the previous cliff. After that, the sprite will go to the Prometheus Monument and disintegrate.
The monument will change and there will be a golden orb for you as a reward. Grab the orb to complete the Prometheus Star Puzzle Solution!

That’s how you can solve the Prometheus Star Puzzle in the Lost Marshes area. The puzzle is pretty straightforward once you are able to find the sprite near the deep waters. Make sure that you do not get put off by the sprite’s tricks when you are chasing it. As for the deep underlying meaning to this puzzle, we leave that to you to ponder over!
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