Better Call Maul is a level where you encounter Darth Maul. This guide will show you how to collect all the Minikits in the Better Call Maul mission.
Better Call Maul: Minikit 1/5

When you start the challenge, go to your right and head for the vents. Lift up the platform next to the wall and jump up for the Minikit.
Better Call Maul: Minikit 2/5

As seen in the photo above, destroy at least 5 of the Cleaner Droids in the area to get a Minikit.
Better Call Maul: Minikit 3/5

When you get to the area in the photo above, change to Captain Tarpals and open up the floor as shown in the photo to get the Minikit.
Better Call Maul: Minikit 4/5

The fourth Minikit will be floating in the air as shown in the photo above. To get to it, build 4 buttons using the structures you will see on your left side.
Better Call Maul: Minikit 5/5

When you finally reach Darth Maul, slowly back up to the circular hole and slowly drop down as shown in the photo above. Immediately grab onto the ledges to get the Minikit.
Better Call Maul: All Level Challenges
Push Droids

Details: When you encounter multiple droids in the walkway, Force Push 5 of them until they fall out of the edge.
The Force
Details: You will encounter an electrical hazard in the level, preventing you from passing. Use the force and lift the boxes on your right to build a path.
ALSO READ: Master Codebreak Out All Minikits & Challenges | LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker