
Ability Wars: How To Get Bounty Hunter Mastery & Showcase

Time to master the abilities of a Bounty Hunter!

Ability Wars How To Get Bounty Hunter Mastery Showcase

With new updates comes new content for players to enjoy and that’s why we love games that keep on getting them.

In Ability Wars, there was a recent update that added the Bounty Hunter Mastery in the game, and with it comes some cool new moves and features.

You’ll need to jump through some hoops to get it through, and it includes a boss fight!

In this guide, we’ll show you how you can get the Bounty Hunter Mastery. We’ll also show you the different moves you can get when using it! Now let’s see what we’ll need to do!

How To Get Bounty Hunter Mastery & Showcase

The Bounty Hunter Mastery is what you can get after you get the base Bounty Hunter. Unlike other abilities in the game, this one needs you to fight a boss in the game.

It has some cool moves that include the ability to see through walls and objects! Here’s how you can get this ability in the game!

Going To The Inventor

First off, you’ll need to go to the inventor which you can do by going to the Arena map. Once you’re there, head to the left where you can find a big tree with a staircase around it.

Head to the top of the staircase and jump up to get inside the tree.

Ability Wars Tree With Stairs
Source: PlayXecutor

Inside, you’ll find the Inventor and if you have the Bounty Hunter equipped you can talk to him to start the boss fight. Yep, that’s right, it’s a boss fight to get the Bounty Hunter Mastery!

Ability Wars Inventor NPC

Inventor Boss Fight

Once you talk to the Inventor, you’ll drop to the boss arena where you’ll have to fight him.

The boss fight is fairly easy with a few moves that you’ll need to watch out for. One of the moves is when he summons clones of himself which explodes, so keep your distance.

The last phase of the boss is the easiest part since he’ll go inside a mecha. In that phase, he’ll shoot projectiles that are easy to dodge and will jump up to drop bombs which is again easy to avoid.

Just dodge the attacks and attack him when there’s a chance.

Once you defeat the boss, you’ll be lifted onto a fan at the top of the arena. Once that’s done, you’ll get the Bounty Hunter Mastery!

Ability Wars Inventor Boss Fight


The Bounty Hunter Mastery has some cool moves that you can use. The first one is E ability where you shoot a gun at where your pointer is aiming at.

The gun animation is a bit slow, so you’ll need to time this, if it does hit it ragdolls the target.

Ability Wars Bounty Hunter Mastery E Ability

The next move is the Q ability where you throw a net at an enemy. When caught by the net the enemy will be slowed and you can easily follow it up with the gun!

Ability Wars Bounty Hunter Mastery Q Ability

The last ability is the R ability that activates the goggles. This will make it so enemy players will glow red and you can even see them through walls!

Ability Wars Bounty Hunter Mastery R Ability

That’s how you can get the Bounty Hunter Mastery in Ability Wars and what its moves are. Many thanks to PlayXecutor for showing everyone this new move set, make sure to go check out their video for more information!

ALSO READ: Ability Wars: How To Get The Cultivate Badge & Farmer Ability


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