
How To Survive Everything in Survive The Natural Disaster | Roblox

More than 10 different disasters for you to deal with!

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster

Roblox Survive The Natural Disaster has a number of different disasters for you to deal with. Whenever a random disaster occurs, it is your mission as well as other players to survive.

Once you have successfully survived a round, a score will be added to your leaderboard. In this guide, we will show you how to Survive All Natural Disasters.

How To Survive All Natural Disasters

Acid Rain

For Acid Rain, you’ll want to go to the lowest floor possible. Try to have the most roofs on top of you as you possibly can. Some of the blocks will turn green when they are exposed to the acid rain, so try to avoid those blocks as well.

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster Acid Rain


For the Blizzard Disaster, you will be able to see it when you have the white, snowy screen. The more snow you see on your screen, the more likely you are to take damage from the Blizzard. It is best for you to find shelter and stay warm.

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster Blizzard

However, finding a shelter doesn’t just mean that you have to find a house. Instead, you will want to head to the most crowded place possible.

In the image below, you can see that the player is surrounding themselves with furniture.

Another tip for you during the Blizzard is that you can also group up with other players. Players are also considered to be an object, and when players group up with each other, they can keep each other warm.

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster Blizzard


The next Disaster you’ll face is Earthquake. During this, avoid jumping since the objects can get really glitchy and they can damage you.

Instead, try to walk outside and avoid any blocks that you see. As long as you follow the rules, you can easily survive.

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster Earthquake


The next disaster event is Fire. For this event, you will want to stay away from any blocks that can catch fire.

The second advice is to never stay on top of buildings since the buildings can collapse and you will fall to your death. Or the fire can just reach you from below and you will also lose.

Before the round starts, try to stay on low ground and wait for the disasters. If you see fire, run away from all the blocks and stay on the grass ground since it cannot catch fire.

Avoid the blocks that are yellow, red, or orange since you can take damage from them. Burnt blocks do no damage.

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster Fire

Flash Flood

Flash Flood is the next disaster on the list. The game’s advice may tell you to seek higher ground, but this is not necessarily true. The thing you want to do is to seek stable high ground.

This is because the flood will make the tall buildings unstable.

If you are on the highest ground, the tall buildings are likely to collapse, and you will lose the round. Instead, try to find something that’s high enough, but is also relatively stable so that you won’t fall to the floods.

With a balloon, you can survive much more easily.

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster Flood

Meteor Shower

The Meteor Shower disaster’s difficulty depends on the map that you get. If it doesn’t have a lot of roofs, you will want to look up and try to dodge it.

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster Meteor Shower


The next Disaster is Sandstorm. The thing you want to do is to stay outside and avoid flying blocks. The sandstorm will cause objects to fly around.

These objects can either deal damage to you or simply knock you off the map.

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster Sandstorm


The next Disaster is Thunderstorm. To win this, simply stay inside and try to avoid high places. It is relatively similar to how you would play in the Acid Rain disaster. Try to find a roof on top of you and it will protect you from the thunder strikes.

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster Thunder Storm


For the Tornado disaster, the rules are quite simple: stay away from the Tornado. You can try to zoom out to locate the Tornado and navigate your character away from it.

After a short while, you will win the challenge. Even if you get into a tornado, sometimes you will even survive. However, still try to avoid it.

Roblox: How To Survive All Natural Disaster Tornado


For Tsunami, you do not want to go on the highest ground possible. Instead, you will want to go to somewhere relatively higher compared to the Tsunami’s height.

This is because if you go too high, the building can collapse from the disaster, and you will fall from a great height.

Fall damage exists in the game, so you can die really easily if you do it. If you are on a ground that’s a little bit higher than the Tsunami, you can still jump down.

Jumping down from this height will only cause a small amount of damage.

Roblox Tsunami

Deadly Virus

Deadly Virus is quite an easy disaster to deal with. During the disaster, a random player in the game will be infected with a virus. Avoid the infected player and you should be good to go.

If you are the very first person to be infected, then it’s just bad luck because you cannot survive the disaster. However, if you have the Apple game pass, you will survive.

Natural Disaster Survival Flu


For Volcano, you can try hiding behind one of the buildings and that building will protect you from the eruptions.

Some players also try to jump on top of the volcano and can still survive. However, it is best for you to go with the safer methods.

Natural Disaster Survival Volcano

That’s how you can survive all Natural Disasters in Roblox Natural Disaster Survival. Each disaster will provide you with a tip on how you can survive, so you can use them to know how to play. As you play, apply the tips we just gave you and you will have an even higher chance of survival.

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