Diamonds are an important resource in Pet Simulator 99. You see them get thrown around the marketplace every time you look for a Dragon Egg or whenever you pass by any of the farms those VIP players have exclusive access to.
The more you see these diamonds the more you start thinking that you deserve a piece of the action, and you do!
We have a guide on diamond farming that you can definitely make use of, keep on reading if you want to earn big with your pets!
Diamond Farm Guide
Try to find some Rainbow Huges or Rainbow Exclusives to make it possible to get close to earning at least a million gems under an hour. Currently, these Rainbow Exclusive pets do more damage than Titanics.
The next thing you will want to keep an eye on are your Enchants. For maximum efficiency, have at least one Magnet book on top of as many Fortune and Diamond enchants.
All of these enchants will give you a boost towards the amount of diamonds you can farm. That translate directly to more gems per hour.

After equipping your best Rainbow team and Enchants, check all of the Fruits you have in your inventory. The fruits will give you and your pets a boost as well when it comes to diamond farming.
What you’ll be looking for specifically will be the Orange Fruit. It gives a 1% boost to diamonds farmed, obviously that stacks with your Attack Fruits which helps with breaking diamonds quicker.

Another thing you should look out for are the Squeaky Toys. Consuming a Squeaky Toy will help your pet’s speed by 25% for a total of 10 minutes.
Pair those up with your Treasure Hunter Potions to maximize the amount of random drops you get by another 25%. And don’t forget the Diamond Flag!
Diamond Flags double the amount of breakable diamonds you can get for 5 minutes. Use that while in a high-level area like the Fairy Castle to get even more out of all the equipment you’ll be using.
After an hour most of what you’ve consumed would’ve already paid for themselves.

There are more potions you can use of. Another item that you definitely want to run with is the Diamonds Potion.
Diamonds Potion IV will increase the total amount of diamonds you earn by 50%. With all of the consumables you’ll be inhaling you’ll definitely receive more than 100% worth of bonuses to your diamond farming.
Keep in mind that dealing damage is just as important as the amount of diamonds you’ll be getting. The easier it is for your pets to break the breakables, the more items will pop up again for them to break. That includes diamonds yet again.

While you’re busy waiting for your diamonds to come in, go ahead and visit the Daycare Centre. You can still get plenty of free goodies here including diamonds for every pet you enroll.
Enroll a total of 20 and leave them for a few hours to get even more rewards later on.

And that’s how you can farm diamonds in Pet Simulator 99. Try the method for yourself and see how much you can get under an hour. Remember that you can always leave your account running while your pets do all the work for you!
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