Grinding for stats and levels can be a pain in Free-To-Play games since usually as a F2P player you get the short end of the stick. You don’t have as many resources as the ones that pay for them and you get more grind.
In Black Clover M, there are a lot of ways for you to get your power up though and get on a level playing field with the rest. All you need to know is how to maximize it!
In this guide, we’ll show you the best ways to max out your power in the game. There are a lot of ways you can do this so let’s check them all out!
Best Tricks To Max Your Power (F2P)
The main number you want to see going up in your Black Clover M stats is your power. The power of your team measures everything and is a measuring stick for how good your team is. When you go to dungeons, you’ll see the recommended power level for those dungeons and that’s what it is.
As a F2P player, you don’t have much in terms of resources or ways to increase power. We’ll need to use our resources wisely and know every way to increase them effectively!
We’ll need all the power we can get to get Noelle’s swimsuit, of course!
Do The Campaign
Don’t skip on the campaign of the game. Not only does it give you a lot of context on what the game is it also gives you a lot of rewards.
From experience to materials, you can even get support heroes from other players to carry you through it with no problem.

Bond Farming
When you’re done with the campaign of the game, make sure to farm your bond next. This is one of the early things you should farm up.
The best way to do this is to go with the Forest Near Kikka Bond Patrol. It’s one of the easier stages to clear easily and repeatedly.
Other bond patrols are also great just make sure you go for the ones that reward you with food. Materials like these are needed to make Bond Food which makes bond progression faster.
You’ll want to aim to bond all of your characters to at least Bond Level 10. At around Bond Level 1, 4, 6, 8, and 10, you get character stones.
These are the materials you’ll need to turn a character from SSR to LR.

Gear Farming
Now that you have your character stats up, you’ll also need to get some gear. What we’ll want to get are LR gear and to get them you’ll want to go through Dungeons.
To best get them, make sure that you at least get to Dungeon Power 15.
Now I know that can be hard for most people, especially those who are starting. For that, you can go down to 13 or even 10. If you’re struggling, go down to 7.
That’s because the game has a pity system that increases the high-grade gear drop rate 5 times a day. The probability increases by 100% for the first attempt and lowers to 20% on the 5th attempt.
With that system, you can just do 5 battles at lower power and hopefully get your UR gear. With that kind of gear, you can then go for higher-power dungeons and try for the LR gear drops.

Creating Gear
This is for players who are in the early stages of the game and still don’t have a main team with full gear.
You can go and grind for gear as shown above and then go to the Hideout and craft some gear. An efficient way of crafting is through placing 2 UR gear and 5 SSR ones.
With that, you have a 30% chance of creating an LR piece of gear. Just make sure that you select the right stat on the right on what you’ll need for your team.

Accessory Crafting
Now that you have your main gear for your characters and the team, you’ll also need to have some accessories. There’s a noob trap in the game where it offers you to craft individual accessories like necklaces or rings. Don’t do that.
Instead, go for the Full Set crafting since when you do so, it won’t use any of the precious stones you get from leveling bond.
When placing accessories to craft new ones, make sure to just select SSR pieces. That will get you a 5% chance to get a UR accessory. It’s not much – but it’s the best chances you can get as a F2P player.

Upgrading Gear
Now that you have all the gear, you need you’ll also want to upgrade said gear. Since we’re F2P players, we don’t have the luxury of upgrading everything.
So, make sure to upgrade each LR gear to at least 8 since it’s the cheapest. Then, upgrade the ones with the best set and subsets for the character to 12.

When you have all the gear and are fully upgraded, this is when you’ll want to unlock talents. Make sure to only do this to characters that you’ll use for the long term though.
Unlocking talents can be expensive, so it’s best to invest your resources wisely.
If you don’t have those kinds of units, then just unlock a few talents if you need to increase your power.

Upgrading Skills
If you need to increase your power some more, then you’ll want to upgrade the skills. With the limited resources, you’ll want to just upgrade the main skills of your damage dealers.
For skills that are important for your team composition, you’ll want to upgrade them to what’s best for your team.
Again, upgrade these skills only on characters you’re willing to use in the long run. Don’t waste your resources on units you’ll just throw away once a new and better one appears.

Save Your Experience Potions
The last thing on the list to increase your power is the level of your character. As a F2P player, you’ll get a limited amount of Experience potions, and you’ll want to use them on characters up to level 80.
Once you get to that point save them up for the next character you’ll want to level up.

Above level 80, the experience you get from these potions is abysmal, so it’s better to use them on lower-level characters.
Those are all the tips we can give you to maximize your power in Black Clover M. Now, go out there and try these methods out!
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