The Forge used to be an important mechanic when it came to Roblox Bedwars, allowing players to get some really powerful weapons.
However, Forging was removed from the game with a recent update which left many questions about the weapons. Interestingly, the Forge Weapons are now back as they have been added to the Lucky Blocks game mode.
While Forge Weapons are not accessible in any other game mode, you may want to give them a go. These weapons used to be incredibly powerful, and you may want to relive the glory days of the game.
Best Forge Weapon Guide
Lucky Blocks is a game mode where random lucky blocks spawn around the map. You can break these blocks open to reveal all sorts of cool items inside.
There are rarities for each item, with better Weapons and gear being more difficult to obtain.
The Halloween Lucky Blocks have been removed and replaced with Forge Lucky Blocks.
Forge Lucky Blocks allow players to get Daggers, Great Hammers, Scythes and Gauntlets which used to be part of the original Forge System.

You can also get three Rarities for each of these items: Iron, Diamond and Mythical.
Now, Mythical Weapons are by far the hardest to drop, and you may not even find a single one even after playing a few matches. In essence, finding the best Forge Weapons is all luck based for now.
One example of a Mythical weapon is the Mythical Scythe, known as the Nocturne. A very powerful weapon that can help you bypass an enemy’s armor.

So, the best strategy for finding Forge Weapons is to roam around the map and look for Forge Lucky Blocks.
As the match goes on, you may even see a notification above that indicates more Lucky Blocks are spawning.
This is your cue to start looking for them around the map.

That’s everything you need to know about the Forge Weapons in Roblox Bedwars. Unfortunately, you can’t really access Forge Weapons in the other game modes yet.
Maybe the popularity for these OG weapons may lead to the developers eventually adding the Forge Weapons back to the game. Till then, we suggest that you enjoy these weapons in Lucky Blocks and find the Mythical variants!
While you’re at it, why not try finding the 8 Golden Presents from the event as well? You’ll be able to get some awesome skin/s and more!
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