Vampire The Masquerade Swansong: The Right Dose Trophy Guide | How to Free The Vessel at Red Salon

Ryan Thama
4 Min Read

To get this trophy, you must free the Vessel at Red Salon. Give her the right dose of Trajax and you’ll get the achievement. Simple as that.

Here, we will guide you how to unlock this trophy with step by step visual.

The Right Dose Trophy Guide: How to Free The Vessel at Red Salon – Vampire The Masquerade Swansong

At the Red Salon, you first need to go to the bar area to obtain the Staff access card. The card is located at the very corner of the bar. 

Access card location

Proceed inside, and turn right after you see the blue bar. There you will find a double door with a staff only sign. Swipe the Staff access card and enter.

Swipe staff access card

Proceed further until you find an elevator and press Go Down to get to the basement area where the Trajax MG is stored.

Go down the elevator

Exit the elevator and turn left, proceed further until you reach the end of the hallway. There will be a door to the Trajax storage room on the left.

Open the Trajax MG vaultand take the Trajax MG.

Get the Trajax MG

On the left side, there will be a tube to send the Trajax MG to the office.

Important: You must send 2 Trajax MG!

Send 2 Trajax MG using the tube

After sending the 2 Trajax MG, hurry back up to the office upstairs. If you take too long, the Trajax will break.

Go up using the same elevator, exit the staff room, and proceed right until you find the Manager Office sign.

Manager office location

Enter the office and on the right, you will find the 2 Trajax you’ve sent.

Take the first Trajax MG

Important: Take only one Trajax MG. Send it down to the vessel using the tube in the office.

Send the first Trajax MG to the Vessel using the tube

After sending the first one, you must use the computer on the right to talk to the vessel.

As this will not be enough for the vessel, you need to send the second Trajax MG. After sending the second one, use the computer again.

The right dose trophy earned

And voila! you have earned The right dose trophy and freed the vessel.

To summarize the guide, what you need to do is:

  1. Get access card
  2. Go to the basement
  3. Send 2 Trajax MG to the office
  4. Go to the office
  5. Send the first Trajax MG and use the computer
  6. Send the second Trajax MG and use the computer

We hope this visual guide helps freeing the vessel and earning you the trophy!

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