Horse Life is an upcoming Roblox game all about taming and riding horses in a fantasy world. Even though it’s still in early alpha, you can play the game right now by joining the developers’ Roblox group. Just be warned that your data will be wiped once the testing period is over. With that said, the game just got another update, so here is how you can catch the Equus and Winged horses!
How to Catch Equus and Winged Horse
The Equus horse is actually pretty simple to catch, as they are just regular horses that roam around a specific part of the map.
Because of that, make sure that you have the right kind of lasso equipped to get them. What you’ll need is either a Torn, String, and Woven lasso, because these are fit for normal horses, which the Equus are.

Finding an Equus in the Wild
Just a little outside of town, you will see an “Under Construction” sign in the middle of the road. Behind it will be an area that looks like a swamp full of strange looking trees. This is where you want to be.
The Equus horse commonly spawns in this region, so all you have to do from this point on is run around the area until you spot one. It shouldn’t take you long, because a lot of them will be roaming here.

In the game, an Equus horse typically has a zebra-like mane and sometimes tail, making them very easy to spot. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that they have a lot of hearts when you try to catch them.
Because of this, be prepared with a huge number of the appropriate lassos or food. It can’t hurt to overprepare, since you can still fail to get one if you didn’t bring enough with you.

Finding and Catching Winged Horses
Unlike the previous one, Winged horses are actually not a specific breed that you can reliably find and tame. Instead, they can be any type of horse in the game as the wings are merely a mutation that any of them can have.
Because of this, the only way to actually get one of these is by roaming the map and hoping that you find a horse with wings out in the wild. You can’t possibly miss it if you see one, because their wings are massive.
If you are hunting for one of these, be prepared with a lot of food and all types of lassos. You’re going to need specific types of lassos depending on what winged horse you find.
For example, if you see a unicorn with wings, you will still need to use the correct type of lasso for it and not just regular ones. Be wary of other players as well, because they will obviously try to tame these too!

One Way to Catch Them
If you have the time and determination to grind it out, what you can do is find a specific region and start catching all of the horses that show up there. After that, wait for them to spawn again and see if any of them have wings.
This way will ensure that you get a certain kind of horse from that spawns in that area and save you some time from having to run around the entire game’s map.
If you’re going with this method of grinding, get a lot of supplies ready so you don’t have to keep stocking back up on lassos and food!

Upgrading Winged Horses
One thing to note when you have a winged horse is that this mutation can also be upgraded. Back in town, you will notice that there is a Wing Upgrade Potion in the Store.
These potions cost 2,500 of the in-game currency, and if you use it on a winged horse, it will grant them the ability to fly. You can buy these even if you don’t have a winged horse, just so you can upgrade it immediately when you eventually catch one!
Just keep in mind that you cannot use this on a non-winged horse. Don’t believe anyone who tells you that it can be used to convert regular horses, you just won’t have any option to do so!

And that is everything that you need to know in order to get both an Equus and a winged horse in the latest update of the game. If you’re looking for other pet catching games to try on Roblox, check out our beginner’s guide on Pet Catchers too!