
Type Soul: Best Build for Every Race Guide

Play to your character’s strengths with these builds!

Type Soul, the Bleach-inspired experience for Roblox allows every player to select a race for their character at the start, and the best build for you will depend on your race. Every race has a different and unique playstyle, after all. As such, you’ll want to invest in Skill Trees that help make the most out of your innate abilities! In this guide, we’ll give you recommendations for the best builds for every race, based on the game’s current meta.

Best Build for Every Race in Type Soul

A character in Type Soul | Type Soul: Best Build for Every Race Guide

There are currently 3 distinct races and 5 different Skill Trees you can invest in. To truly make the most out of your chosen race, you simply need to focus your SP investments on specific Skill Trees.

You’ll gain SP by completing missions, and you can currently get a total of 65 SP. Most builds will invest 50 SP into a primary Skill Tree, and the remaining SP into a secondary one for extra utility.

Example of the Skill Tree

Considering how basic the build system in Type Soul is, making specific builds is as simple as just investing certain amounts of SP into the different Skill Trees.

Also, to make the most of your character’s race, make sure to unlock their full potential!

With that said, let’s now go over the basics of every race’s playstyle and the best build you can have to maximize every one’s power!

Every Race in Type Soul


Arrancar  | Type Soul: Best Build for Every Race Guide

This race is unique in two ways. The first one is that they get access to Cero for free, which usually requires investment into the Kido Skill Tree. Additionally, they can use Resurrection to transform and get extra abilities.

Despite their innate Cero ability, however, the best way to build the Arrancar race is to ignore the Kido Skill Tree. Instead, you should focus on Hakuda and Speed.

Most players invest 50 SP into Hakuda and 15 into Speed. This build synergizes extremely well with almost all of the Arrancar’s Resurrections, making it the best due to its versatility!

Alternatively, you can also have a build that goes all in on Speed instead. This works extremely well with certain Resurrections, such as Vampire, but is very niche and lacks versatility.


Quincy | Type Soul: Best Build for Every Race Guide

A race that specializes in strong ranged attacks, also known for getting strong skills early on. They get unique access to special abilities known as “Schrifts”.

As a Quincy, you will want to invest all of your SP into either Hakuda or Kido. Both Skill Trees synergize extremely well with the Quincy playstyle, allowing you to get easy wins with barrages of ranged attacks.

For your Schrift, we recommend picking Gluttony, Visionary, or Miracle. They are the strongest and also pair the best with the Hakuda and Kido Skill Trees.

Quincy is an extremely easy to play race in its current state, so they dominate the meta with their Hakuda and Kido builds.

Soul Reaper

Soul Reaper | Type Soul: Best Build for Every Race Guide

This is the jack-of-all-trades race, being very capable in both melee and ranged combat. Their unique ability is the “Shikai”, a summonable sword that grants unique powers.

The best overall build for the Soul Reaper race is to put 50 SP into Kendo and 15 into Speed. Combine that with the Katana weapon and the Theatre Shikai and you’ll be a force to be reckoned with!

Alternatively, a very powerful but niche build is to invest in the Healing Skill Tree and use the Blood Shikai. This build doesn’t have the raw power of the Kendo build, but it’s almost unkillable.

The Blood Shikai allows you to drain enemies’ health when landing attacks, but you lose health when you miss. Thanks to your Healing skills, though, you’ll be able to heal and buff yourself if that happens!

Type Soul gameplay screenshot

Now that you know the best build for every race in Type Soul, you should also get the best accessories to optimize your character’s power!


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