
Genshin Impact: Operate The Device And Investigate Further Guide

How to use this device?

Genshin Impact: Operate The Device And Investigate Further Guide

Investigating and uncovering secrets can be a pretty hard thing to do. In this guide, we will show you the easiest and quickest way to play with the Rampart and colors to open the secret door and be able to Investigate Further.

Operate The Device And Investigate Further Guide – Genshin Impact

The quest to Operate The Device And Investigate Further will happen when you’re in the As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared. You will enter the room that you’ll need to go inside of and this sub-quest will begin.

You’ll find yourself in a pretty big room with lots of machinery inside. On the left is where you’ll find a little tutorial on how are the Prismatic Ramparts work and an explanation about the different colorations that they have. 

You can also adjunct the Rampart in your choice of angle, depression, elevation, and rotation. You will need to combine all of these things in order to hit targets in different and difficult positions.

There are also the Prismatic Seals which are in different colors too. They can be dispelled by fired arrows of the same colors as them. So keep in mind that there are 3 colors that you’ll need to hit while doing this guide.

After you’ve picked up a Prismatic Gem, you’ll be able to unlock a new color.

What You Need To Do

First Rotate the first thing 4x times. It will be pointing towards the right. Then behind it activate the Rampart with the white color. You will be able to pick up your first start then.

Now go to the other side of the room in the same little area. You will have to rotate those 2 on the other area into a clockwise position. Meaning that you’ll have to make them turn to the right, both of them.

Then inside the middle of this room, use the machine to close the first door, and open the door with the chest. When the door is opened you can go to the first area again, where you got the start previously.

Now all you have to do is turn the waypoint to the right. It should be that when you fire the bolt from the Rampart, it is going to hit the First turning thing, and then go to the right. Then this bolt is going to hit the other turning thing and go to the right one more time. Then the last one is going to shoot to the right again and it will hit the chest.

The chest will now open and the prizes are yours. Congratulations on figuring out the device and getting some more investigation done!

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