
Genshin Impact: Clear The Water Veins That Flow Through The Mountains Guide

Let there be water!

Genshin Impact Clear The Water Veins That Flow Through The Mountains Guide

There are a lot of quests in Genshin Impact that will help you pass the time. There’s even one where you help clear the water veins so water can flow through the mountains. Yes! There are quests that actually affect the world. It is recommended for you to finish those first. They might lead to some secret goodies that couldn’t be accessed because the quest wasn’t completed yet. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get those pesky water veins out and the water to start flowing freely.

Clear The Water Veins That Flow Through The Mountains Guide – Genshin Impact

When you reach the island, you’ll need to follow these streams of water underground. These will lead you to your next objective. Be very careful though. The area you will be in will most likely have a lot of high-level enemies, so be prepared.

The main sources of why the water isn’t moving as they do are because of these rocks protruding out of the ground with water splashing out. Destroying these rocks will help the water current flow through and lead you to your next objective.

You will eventually reach a cave entrance that’s being blocked by, well, musical notes. To do this, you will need to interact with the Melodic Harp (the thing that’s glowing blue). It will shoot out notes that will then go to the Melodic Blooms (those things that look like those old record players).

Problem here is; one of the Melodic Blooms aren’t facing the next Melodic Bloom. Find the bloom (which is the one on a rock surface facing the beach). Interact with it to spin it towards the Melodic Bloom. Interact with the Melodic Harp and the note will pass through all of the blooms and into the force field blocking the way, opening it up for the player.

Follow the Stream

You’ll find the next rock inside the cave when you follow the stream inside. Destroying it will then trigger a cutscene.

Exit the cave as the next stream leads outside and up the side of the mountain. You will have to climb up the mountain using the massive wooden tree that’s growing alongside the mountain.

Be sure to preserve your stamina, because this is a really high climb and it can easily drain your stamina bar if you’re jumping up a lot. Take your time and only jump once you’re certain you can reach the ledge.

Once you reach the top of the mountain, you’ll see that the last rock that’s blocking the water is protected by the same musical forcefield. You’ll need to adjust two of the Melodic Blooms to solve this. The one near the note in the grass needs to be facing the rock (it’s originally facing the other way) and the one near the Melodic Harp needs to face the Melodic Bloom that’s on the rock surface. 

Once you destroy the last rock, the water will fill up this little pool and you have to draw water to finish the last objective.

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