
Deadlock: Best Heroes for BEGINNERS & Tips on How To Play Them

Here are the best low-skill floor heroes in Deadlock with the highest impact and carry potential!

Deadlock: Best Heroes for BEGINNERS & Tips on How To Play Them

When you’re new to Deadlock, the learning curve can feel steep. That’s why starting out with a hero that’s easy to pick up can make all the difference. There are more than 20 heroes with different playstyles, designs, abilities, stats and roles— Picking the right hero can help ease you into the game, allowing you to focus on mastering core mechanics before diving into more complex strategies. In this guide, I’ll share my best heroes for beginners, focusing on those with low skill floors but high impact.

Best Heroes for BEGINNERS & Tips on How To Play Them

Before we dive into my list for the best heroes for beginners, I’ll quickly mention a few heroes that almost made the cut (the Honorable Mentions): Warden, Infernus, Lash, Vindicta, and Grey Talon. While these heroes are relatively easy to play, they require a good understanding of positioning or precise aiming. For beginners who come from shooter games, they might be easy to pick up. However, for everyone else, these heroes require a bit more skill to play effectively.

SIDE NOTE: While you’re here, consider checking my super detailed beginners guide in Deadlock! You’ll learn all the important mechanics as a beginner such as laning, jungling, items & shopping, souls, levels and more!

Criteria for Selection: When choosing my personal contenders for this guide, I focused on heroes with a low skill floor. That means you can pick up the basics quickly and do well against other beginners. I excluded heroes that heavily rely on team coordination or fall off at certain stages of the game, like Lash. Instead, I picked heroes that offer a consistent experience throughout the match.


McGinnis takes the top spot for beginners due to her simplicity and effectiveness. She can place turrets that automatically attack enemies, heal herself while boosting fire rate, and set up a moving wall for defense.

Her ultimate calls down a barrage of attacks from a distance. McGinnis’ turrets allow you to control the battlefield with minimal effort, and her high fire rate means you can deal significant damage. For beginners, McGinnis offers a balance of offense and defense, making her a strong all-around pick.

How To Play and Laning For McGinnis:

  1. Unique Ability Set – McGinnis stands out with her unique ability set, having only two abilities compared to the usual three seen on other characters. This simplified setup can be advantageous for beginners, allowing you to focus on mastering fewer abilities.
  2. Fast Firing Gun – McGinnis wields a fast-firing gun that makes securing last hits relatively straightfoward. Even though her gun’s fire rate may vary slightly, its overall speed is more than sufficient for reliably securing souls in the laning phase!
  3. Charging and Firing – McGinnis’ gun has a charge-up mechanic that affects the fire rate. However, even at its slowest firing rate, the gun is still effective for last-hitting and maintaining lane control. This trait can help you consistently secure souls throughout the laning phase.
McGinnis best beginner hero in Deadlock.


Abrams is a tanky bruiser with simple but effective abilities. His first ability deals damage and heals him, his second ability is a charge that stuns enemies, and his third ability provides passive health regeneration.

His ultimate slams down from the sky, dealing damage and stunning enemies. Abrams’ sustain makes him forgiving in lane, and his kit is easy to understand, making him perfect for beginners who want to stay in the fight.

How To Play and Laning For Abrams:

  1. Abrams’ Gun Mechanic – Abrams’ gun offers a convenient feature: you can fire while reloading, allowing you to maintain consistent pressure in lane. This means you can fire off a few shots and then reload, making sure you don’t miss out on securing souls. This mechanic is particularly helpful for beginners, as it helps in maintaining consistent last-hitting!
  2. Sustain and Lane Control – Abrams has multiple sustain options to quickly regain health if you get poked in lane, which can be very helpful. However, it’s important to note that Abrams may struggle to aggressively push enemies out of lane early on. Instead, utilize his sustain, and survive the laning phase effectively even if it means losing out a bit early on.
  3. Melee Combos for Abrams – Make good use of Abrams’ melee attack, especially in combination with his second ability.
    • You can execute a combo by hitting enemies with a heavy melee charge, followed by his second ability, and then another heavy melee attack. This combo is particularly effective when enemies are near walls, increasing your chances of dealing significant damage.
  4. Build Recommendations – For beginners, avoid using the main build that includes items like Berserker as the second item. This build order can be confusing and less effective. Instead, consider using a simpler, more intuitive build that is easier to understand and more effective for beginners!
Abrams good beginner hero in Deadlock.


Seven has a bit of a learning curve but is incredibly rewarding. His first ability throws a lightning ball that ticks damage over time, and his second ability stuns enemies. His third ability adds shock damage to his bullets, which bounces to nearby enemies.

Seven’s ultimate is his standout feature, dealing massive AOE damage. While his burst fire can be tricky for last-hitting, his ultimate is a game-winner, making him a strong choice for beginners.

How To Play and Laning For Seven:

  1. Burst Fire Mechanic – One notable aspect of Seven’s laning is his burst fire mechanic. This can make securing last hits a bit challenging, as the burst pattern may not always align perfectly with the timing needed for your last hits. While some players appreciate this feature, others (including me) find it less intuitive and somewhat difficult to manage.
  2. How To Adjust to the Burst Fire Mechanic (if you find it annoying) – So, if you don’t like the burst fire mechanic for laning, but you like Seven anyway, how do you adjust? It’s pretty simple, practice! Timing your shots carefully and predicting the burst pattern can help improve your ability to secure souls and maintain effective farming.
Seven easy but decent beginner hero in Deadlock.


Wraith is similar to Haze but offers more beginner-friendly tools. Her first ability throws a card that can be controlled mid-air, making it easy to hit enemies. Her second ability is a long-range teleport for quick escapes, and her third ability boosts fire rate for you and your team.

Wraith’s ultimate locks down enemies, pulling them into the air for easy damage. With high fire rate and mobility, Wraith is a solid choice for players looking for a simple yet effective carry.

How To Play and Laning For Wraith:

  1. High Damage Output – Wraith’s abilities are straightforward but effective, focusing on delivering high damage. As a carry, she is primarily built around Gun damage, with some additional Spirit damage if you want. This high-hybrid damage output makes a beast in the lane!
  2. Fast-Firing Gun – She has one of the fastest fire rates in the game, which allows you to secure last hits with ease. Her fast-paced shooting helps you maintain consistent farm, while putting pressure on your enemy laners.
  3. Splitpush Potential – Wraith excels at split pushing, especially early in the game. Her strong laning capabilities and ability to apply pressure in multiple lanes can create opportunities for your team and disrupt the enemy’s strategy.
Wraith one of the best beginner heroes in Deadlock.


Haze is a traditional assassin with a simple yet effective kit. Her first ability puts enemies to sleep, giving you a chance to close the gap or charge up attacks. Her second ability grants stealth and speed, while her passive increases damage the more you hit your target.

Her ultimate transforms her into a death ball with perfect accuracy. Haze’s rapid-firing gun makes last-hitting easy, and her snowball potential is high once she gets going. If you’re good at aiming, Haze is a great pick.

How To Play and Laning For Haze:

  1. Rapid-Firing Gun – Haze’s rapid-fire gun excels at securing last hits, making it easy to farm troopers effectively during the laning phase. This fast-paced firing can help you maintain a steady income of gold and experience from the very start.
  2. Early Game and Ability Unlock – The laning phase can be challenging initially, as Haze benefits greatly from unlocking her abilities. Focus on farming and gaining levels early on to access her full potential.
  3. High Snowball PotentialOnce Haze is online and her abilities are unlocked, she has incredible snowball potential. Her damage output and effectiveness in fights increase significantly, allowing you to carry momentum through the game.
  4. Damage ScalingWhile Haze does benefit from building Spirit, her primary scaling comes from Gun damage. If you excel at sustained fire and maintaining pressure on enemies, Haze is a strong choice for you. Maximizing Gun damage will be key to her performance.
  5. Ultimate AbilityHaze’s ultimate ability provides a crucial escape mechanism, offering a reliable way to disengage from fights where she might be at a disadvantage. This feature makes her a great option for beginners, as it helps mitigate risky situations and provides a safety net.
Haze, a good beginner hero in Deadlock.

Mo & Krill

Mo & Krill are all about AOE damage and self-sustain. Their first ability heals them based on the number of enemies hit, while their second ability burrows underground, dealing damage when they resurface.

Their third ability disarms enemies, and their ultimate locks down and deals damage to a single target. With solid AOE and self-healing, Mo & Krill are strong choices for beginners, providing good lane sustain and burst damage potential.

How To Play and Laning For Mo & Krill:

Mo & Krill offer a surprisingly strong laning phase thanks to their versatile kit. Here’s how to make the most of them:

  1. Effective Last-Hitting – Mo & Krill’s gun has a fast fire rate, making it efficient for securing last hits. You’ll find it easier to farm effectively thanks to this quick rate, which lets you consistently get the last hit on troopers.
  2. High Early-Game Pressure – With their Cell Field ability, Mo & Krill can apply significant pressure early in the game. Don’t hesitate to engage enemies directly with this ability to assert dominance in lane. Although you might struggle with long-range engagements, you can make up for it by using your cell field to close the gap and deal damage up close.
  3. Disengage with Sand – When you’re getting overwhelmed or need to create some space, Mo & Krill’s sand-throwing ability can be a lifesaver. Use it to disarm opponents and provide yourself with a breather, giving you time to reposition or heal.
  4. Defensive and Offensive CapabilitiesMo & Krill’s second ability provides 80% bullet resist and 30% spirit resist. This makes it an excellent tool for both defensive maneuvers and aggressive plays. You can use it to absorb damage while dishing out your own, or as a means to quickly escape from unfavorable situations.
  5. Ability Combo for High Damage – Mo & Krill can effectively combo their abilities for a burst of damage. By chaining their skills together quickly, you can deal substantial damage in a short period. Focus on maximizing this combo to maximize your impact in fights.
  6. Focus on Second AbilityPrioritize leveling up Mo & Krill’s second ability early in the game, as it provides the highest damage output. Investing in this skill will significantly boost your laning effectiveness and overall damage potential.
Mo & Krill, a decent beginner hero in Deadlock.


Bebop has a straightforward kit that makes him great for beginners. His first ability is an uppercut punch, his second places a bomb that detonates after a few seconds, his third pulls enemies in, and his ultimate is a powerful beam that can turn the tide of a fight.

Bebop’s basic combo is simple: pull an enemy in, place the bomb, and knock them away. The beam is a game-changer for beginners, allowing you to make a big impact without needing advanced mechanics.

How To Play & Laning For Bebop:

Bebop can have a challenging start during the laning phase due to his reliance on timing and positioning. Here are some key tips to help you manage this early stage of the game:

  1. Positioning Near Your Guardian – Bebop isn’t the strongest in direct confrontations early on, so playing closer to your Guardian can be a safer approach. When an enemy overcommits, use Bebop’s hook ability to pull them into range of your guardian, letting it deal significant damage and potentially secure the kill. This can be an effective way to turn defense into offense.
  2. Managing Your Gun’s Wind-UpBebop’s primary attack comes with a slight wind-up time before it fires, which can make last-hitting tricky. You have two main options here:
    • Option 1: Hold and Fire: Hold down your attack button to charge up the shot. After the post-animation delay, you can release the attack to secure the last hit. This is often the most reliable method, especially if you’re still getting used to the timing.
    • Option 2: Preemptive Charging: Start charging your shot just before the last hit opportunity appears. If timed correctly, this can allow you to get the last hit faster, but it requires good timing and practice. Be cautious, as mistiming this can result in missed last hits or even lost souls.
  3. Handling Denied Souls – If you miss a last hit, you may lose out on souls, which are vital to Bebop’s scaling. While frustrating, try not to let this affect your focus. Prioritize safe farming and capitalize on opportunities to pull enemies into your Guardian’s range for a more aggressive playstyle when possible.
One of the best beginner heroes in Deadlock, Bebop.

When in Doubt, Go for McGinnis!

Starting out in Deadlock can be overwhelming, but choosing the right hero as a beginner makes a big difference. By focusing on heroes with easy-to-learn mechanics and strong impact potential, you’ll be able to build confidence and enjoy the game more as you play.

If ever you’re having a hard time to decide who to play as a noob, you can never go wrong with McGinnis! Once you’re comfortable, you can start experimenting with more complex heroes and strategies. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below. I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I get the time (I get busy too sometimes, you know?).

Up next, if you’re interested in knowing which characters you can 1 v 6 with in the game, why not consider checking my best solo-carry character tier list in Deadlock as well?


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