
How to Find & Beat Ghorm the Devourer in Core Keeper

Now you won’t find him that hard anymore!

As you progress through Core Keeper, you’ll come across all sorts of bosses in various areas. One such boss that you’ll want to beat early in the game is Ghorm the Devourer. He can not only pose a challenge early on, but also be difficult to locate.

In this guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know to find and beat this boss. This includes all the preparations you need to make, the ideal location and the strategy of beating him. With that said, let’s get into it!

How to Find & Beat Ghorm the Devourer

Since Ghorm the Devourer can be quite challenging early on, you’ll need to look at a variety of aspects before you actually locate and kill him.

We also recommend using our complete foods guide as the stat boosts you get from cooking can be very beneficial against him.

Feel free to use the Table of Contents if you’re only interested in a specific part of beating the boss.


Before you actually start looking for Ghorm the Devourer, there are certain preparations you need to make in Core Keeper. This includes the equipment that you’ll take with you.

Here is the equipment that we took with us for the fight against him:

  • Skirmisher Cap
  • Iron Chunk Necklace
  • Ring of Rock
  • Ring of Stone
  • Swift Feather
  • Owlux pet
  • Explorer Backpack
  • Lantern
  • Iron Pants
  • Chieftain Tunic.

The equipment that we’ve listed here is not strictly necessary for the boss. If you do not have these, you can do perfectly fine with having an all iron armor.

However, we do recommend that you get an Iron Bow. Don’t focus too much on a melee weapon as we will not be getting close to Ghorm the Devourer.

Iron Bow in Core Keeper.

After that, it is also essential that you get a lot of Spike Traps. The recommended amount is at least 40 but you can also make do with having around 30. You can make them pretty easily at the workbench.

The main purpose of these traps is to stop the boss when it’s moving around its zone. They will allow you to do enough damage to cause it to stop and fight you.

Some players also suggest bringing bombs but you can do without them.

Finally, you should try to bring some good potions and food items. Ideally, you want to bring those that provide you with health buffs, ranged damage and movement speed.

These stats will all help you with the battle as your goal will be to keep as much distance from the boss and damage it from far.

Keen Potion in Core Keeper.

Boss Location

Now that you’re prepared for the fight, it’s time to find Ghorm the Devourer in Core Keeper. He can basically be found all around the core area.

He goes around the core in a path, part of which we have marked on the map below. If you were to go around this whole path you would see that it forms a circle. So, he’ll keep moving around in this circle.

Ghorm boss path in Core Keeper.

Additionally, you should also pick a good spot within this circle. Ideally, you want to avoid biomes that have tough enemies and less space. So, we recommend you avoid the parts of the circle that have blue or peach biomes.

Instead, you should go to a spot like the one shown below. The area has good space and the biome next to it has some really easy enemies.

Recommended biome for Ghorm in Core Keeper.

Preparing The Battlefield

Now that you’ve found a spot, do not engage with Ghorm the Devourer yet. Instead, you need to prepare the area for the ensuing fight. You’ll even spot him going around the circle in this spot, but ignore him for now.

Ideally, you want to start setting up just when he passes you as he’ll have to do a full circle to return. This will give you plenty of time to set up. You’ll know he’s coming when the ground starts rumbling.

Starting off, you want to start clearing out the area a little bit. This is so that you can have enough space to move around during the fight. Be sure to set up torches too so that you can see all around.

As you clear the area, remember to kill any enemies you see. This will prevent them from getting in your way when you’re fighting the boss.

Clearing out area in Core Keeper.

After you’re happy with the set up, it’s time to start placing down your traps. We recommend putting them in the exact path where the boss will move on. Try to place them in 3×3 or 4×4 arrangements as shown below.

This will ensure that all the traps will hit him at once, forcing him to stop.

It’s also a good idea to remove the Slimes that you see in his path. These slimes can slow you down when you are walking on them during the fight. So removing them will make moving around a tad bit easier.

Once you’re ready to fight, start consuming any food items or potions you have. This will ensure you can have the buffs for as long as possible during the fight.

Setting traps in Core Keeper.

Fight Strategy

After you’ve prepared the battlefield, it’s time to wait for Ghorm the Devourer to come around. You’ll know he’s approaching when the ground starts rumbling. Once he steps on the traps, he’ll take enough damage and stop.

Now, he’ll try to fight you and move around in an 8 path. The strategy here is to simply start firing at him with your bow and keeping your distance from him. If he gets near, step out of the way and continue firing.

In this way, you’ll be able to whittle down his health quickly and kill him!

Shooting Ghorm the Devourer in Core Keeper.

That’s everything you need to know about finding and beating Ghorm the Devourer in Core Keeper. As you can see, he really is not that difficult if you follow this plan. However, at harder difficulties, you might have some more trouble.

Playing the game solo in general can be quite scary at first. So, we suggest you check out our solo play tips guide. It might make the rest of the game much more manageable for you!


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