
Devas of Creation: All Weapons & Magic Staves Guide + Showcase (Max Level)

What is each weapon capable of? Let’s check them out here!

Devas of Creation is the next RPG craze that just released on Roblox, and it is quickly rising in popularity. It shares a lot of elements (and even assets, but I digress) with other games, and it is very obviously inspired by New World. As a result of its inspirations, its weapon and magic system stands out as something that I am very familiar with, so let’s take a look at your options here!

All Weapon & Magic Staves Guide + Showcase (Max Level)

As of writing this, there are currently only six weapons to choose from. Each of them has a skill tree that lets you pick three abilities total, each with its own set of passive bonuses. In the next few sections, we will be covering each weapon and all of the skills that come with them.

NOTE: These lists will also label what row each ability belongs to. This is because you can only choose one skill per row.

Devas of Creation my character showing off two weapons

Weapon #1 – Bow

The bow is currently my favorite weapon as somebody who uses a dexterity + strength build. Paired with a dagger, it can be quite mobile and devastating. It has the following abilities that you can choose from:

  • Stun Shot (Row 1) – After a brief windup animation, your character will fire an arrow that will deal a lot of damage and stun the target for a short while.
    • Cast Speed – This modifier will greatly speed up the ability’s windup animation.
    • Stun – This modifier will increase the duration of the stun by one second.
    • Poison – This modifier will cause the arrow to apply an extra poison effect that deals damage over five seconds
  • Storm Arrows (Row 1) – Your character will shoot a series of arrows at a target location, with each hit applying a very quick stun and deal some damage.
    • Add Stamina – This modifier will cause the skill to remove stamina on hit.
    • Multiple Shot – This modifier increases the number of arrows that are released by the skill.
    • Poison – Same as before, it just applies a damage over time effect.
  • Explosive Shot (Row 2) – Your character will leap backwards and then fire a poison arrow that explodes in a small radius at the target location.
    • Slow – Activating this will cause the explosion to apply a slowing effect as well.
    • Silence – When active, you can prevent enemies from casting any spell for a few seconds whenever you hit them with this skill.
    • Poison – Same as above, again.
  • Druid’s Rain (Row 2) – Your character will summon a line of roots that will deal damage and prevent enemies from moving around.
    • Snare – This modifier will increase the duration of the snaring effect of the roots.
    • Critical Hit Power – As the name implies, it will boost your critical damage for five seconds when active
    • Poison – Same as above, again.
  • Arrow Tempest (Row 3) – Your character will fire a quick but painful barrage of arrows in a wide wone in front of them.
    • Cool Down – As expected, this modifier will decrease its cooldown timer.
    • Poison – Same as above, again.
    • Slow – Same as the one in Explosive Shot.
  • Solar Arrow (Row 3) – A very high impact ability that can deal a ton of damage to the first target it hits.
    • Power – This modifier will greatly increase this skill’s damage output.
    • Range – This modifier will greatly increase the ability’s maximum range.
    • Cool Down – Same as above.
Devas of Creation my character using the stun shot ability

Weapon #2 – Celestial Staff

The Celestial Staff weapon type is the only support option in the game right now, and it is centered around healing magic. Its abilities are almost all support or utility oriented, and they are the following:

  • Blessing Shot (Row 1) – Imbues your attacks with healing energy to assist nearby allies.
    • Power – This modifier will boost the effectiveness of your heals.
    • Cool Down – Reduces cooldown by 30%.
    • Add Mana – This modifier will make it so that your allies will also regenerate a bit of mana when hit.
  • Group Heal (Row 1) – While active, this ability will heal nearby allies as well as yourself.
    • Heal – This modifier will increase the effectiveness of the healing aura.
    • Cast Speed – This will speed up the cast time of this ability.
    • Speed – This modifier will give a huge movement and attack speed buff to affected targets, including yourself.
  • Mana Drain (Row 2) – This will allow you to drain mana from an enemy. Your movement speed is slowed while channeling it.
    • Power – This modifier will boost its damage output.
    • Slow – This will slow down the affected target.
    • Range – This modifier increases the ability’s range by a lot.
  • Harmony Strike (Row 2) – This ability will fire a burst of energy that will damage enemies and heal allies (including yourself) at the target location.
    • Silence – Affected enemies will be silenced if they are hit by it.
    • Power – This increases the effectiveness of the ability overall.
    • Invisible – This modifier will add an invisibility buff to any ally caught in the radius.
  • Feathered Hex (Row 3) – When used on an enemy, this ability will turn them into a chicken that cannot really do much.
    • Duration – This modifier increases the curse’s duration.
    • Range – Increases the cast range for this ability.
    • Heal – Oddly enough, this modifier will cause the ability to heal you a bit when it hits.
  • Pulse of Life (Row 3) – When cast on nearby allies, they will be tetheredto you and receive continuous healing as long as they stay within range.
    • Armor – This modifier will add a bonus armor buff to all affected targets.
    • Range – This will increase the range of the ability.
    • Stamina Regeneration – This modifier will cause the ability to grant a very significant stamina regeneration buff to all affected targets.
Devas of Creation player using the celestial staff

Weapon #3 – Dagger

The dagger is my other personal favorite, as it grants a ton of mobility and support when paired with other weapons. Here are all of its abilities:

  • Critical Strike (Row 1) – This is a basic stabbing attack that deals a ton of damage when it lands.
    • Power – This modifier increases the damage dealt. Look, you get the point by now.
    • Cool Down – Reduces the cooldown by 30%.
    • Heal – This causes the strike to heal you for a portion of the damage dealt.
  • Bleeding Daggers (Row 1) – After a short windup, your character will throw a lot of daggers in front of them. These will inflict bleed.
    • Slow – Slows down targets hit by any of the daggers.
    • Range – Increases the range of the thrown daggers.
    • Power – Increases damage.
  • Dagger Blink (Row 2) – This lets you blink to the target destination. Despite not being a damaging ability, it provides insane mobility as you can even use it vertically.
    • Range – Increases the range of the blink itself.
    • Critical Hit – Upon blinking, this modifier will guarantee that your next attack is a critical hit.
    • Critical Hit Power – Increases the damage of your critical hits for the next ten seconds after casting blink.
  • Spin Dash (Row 2) – This is a forward dash that deals damage and inflicts bleed to anything that you hit.
    • Bleeding – This will cause your bleeding effect to deal more damage.
    • Cool Down – Decreases the cooldown of the ability.
    • Critical Hit – After casting Spin Dash, your next attack is guaranteed to crit. Expires faster than Dagger Blink’s version of this.
  • Invisible (Row 3) – When used, your character will become invisible for some time.
    • Critical Hit – Same effect as Dagger Blink’s modifier of the same name.
    • Invisible – Increases the duration by 5 seconds.
    • Speed – While invisible, you will also gain bonus movement speed.
  • Riposte (Row 3) – When cast, you will create a bubble around your character that will parry the next hit.
    • Mana Regeneration – This modifier will add a mana regeneration buff to the ability.
    • Stun – Increases the duration of the parry’s stun.
    • Speed – Same effect as Invisible’s version of this, but with slightly less speed and duration.

While you’re here, consider checking out our one shot dagger build if the abilities listed above interest you. Now, let’s get to the next weapon!

Devas of Creation my character holding a dagger

Weapon #4 – Fire Staff

The Fire Staff category is one of the two main damage dealing magic schools in the game at the moment. It features a ton of devastating area of effect abilities that are great for farming. Here are its skills:

  • Inferno Orb (Row 1) – The user will charge up a giant fireball over their head, and on impact, it deals a lot of area of effect damage.
    • Power – Makes it hit harder.
    • Cool Down – Reduces the ability’s cooldown timer.
    • Burn – This modifier will also make it so that the blast inflicts burn to deal damage over time.
  • Fire Dash (Row 1) – Your character will temporarily gain bonus speed and are able to zip around. At the end of this ability, you will explode, damaging nearby enemies.
    • Displacement – This modifier will make it so that nearby enemies are also knocked back after the blast.
    • Burn – This will add a burn effect to the blast.
    • Range – Increases the range of your dash.
  • Pyroclasm (Row 2) – Essentially a kind of flamethrower skill that can also slow enemies and inflict burn.
    • Power – Need I say more?
    • Slow – This modifier will add a slowing effect that reduces attack and movement speed.
    • Burn – Adds a burning effect to the ability.
  • Blazing Circle (Row 2) – Conjure up a ring of fire around you to deal damage to anything nearby.
    • Power – Increases damage…
    • Burn – Adds a four second burn duration bonus.
    • Multiple Shot – This increases the number of circles that deal damage around you.
  • Fire Bullets (Row 3) – Fires a horizontal wave of fire, similar to dagger’s “Bleeding Daggers” ability.
    • Power – 15% damage boost.
    • Multiple Shot – Increases the number of projectiles that it shoots.
    • Radius – Expands the radius in which the bullets fly out.
  • Lava Circle (Row 3) – Creates a large radius of lava that will deal continuous damage to enemies standing on top of it. This also inflicts burn.
    • Burn – Increases the duration of the burn effect.
    • Power – 50% damage boost.
    • Cool Down – 30% cooldown reduction.
Devas of Creation player using the fire dash ability

Weapon #5 – Great Sword

The great sword is, as you would expect, the big and impactful strength weapon with some hard-hitting abilities. Here are all of its skills:

  • Challenge (Row 1) – Jump into the air and land at the target area, dealing damage to anything caught in range.
    • Radius – Increases the radius of the impact.
    • Crowd Control Immune – This modifier will render you immune to any crowd control effects for a few seconds after casting the skill.
    • Slow – Applies a slowing effect to enemies on impact.
  • Sword Slam (Row 1) – Your character will charge up a slashing attack that deals damage and reduces the stamina of affected targets.
    • Slow – Increases the duration of the slowing effect of the ability.
    • Speed – When you successfully land the ability, you will get bonus movement and attack speed.
    • Heal – This modifier will cause successful hits to heal you for a portion of the damage dealt.
  • Spin (Row 2) – Your character does a damaging spin move that ends with an additional overhead slash.
    • Power – 30% damage increase.
    • Speed – This modifier will temporarily grant you bonus movement and attack speed when using the ability.
    • Crowd Control Immune – Grants temporary crowd control immunity after using the skill.
  • Skyrend Strike (Row 2) – Your character will jump up and come crashing down with a slash that creates a shockwave. This deals area of effect damage.
    • Stun – This will grant a 50% chance to stun affected targets.
    • Power – 50% damage increase.
    • Cool Down – Reduces the cooldown timer by 30%.
  • Sonic Impulse (Row 3) – Fires out a couple of burning slashes that deals damage when it hits.
    • Power – 50% damage increase.
    • Cool Down – Reduces the cooldown timer by 50%.
    • Speed – Gives you bonus attack and movement speed on hit.
  • Sword Hook (Row 3) – Your character will shoot out a line of string at the target, stunning them and pulling them to your location.
    • Crowd Control Immune – This modifier will give you crowd control immunity for a few seconds on impact.
    • Range – Increases the range of the ability.
    • Add Stamina – Reduces the stamina of the target.
Devas of Creation player using the great sword spin

Weapon #6 – Ice Staff

Finally, the ice staff category represents the other main damage dealing school of magic in the game right now. Here are all of its abilities:

  • Ice Meteors (Row 1) – Your character will fire a series of meteors at the target area that deals damage to anything within range.
    • Slow – This modifier will make it so that anything hit by the meteors will also be slowed for several seconds.
    • Radius – Increases the radius of the ability.
    • Power – 50% damage boost.
  • Ice Turret (Row 1) – As the name implies, this creates a turret that will automatically attack enemies within its range.
    • Multiple Shot – Increases the number of targets that the turret can hit.
    • Stun – This adds a micro stun to the turret’s hits.
    • Range – Increases the range of the turret.
  • Ice Spike (Row 2) – The user will conjure up some spikes that will deal damage and stun targets.
    • Stun – This will slightly increase the duration of the stunning effect.
    • Cool Down – 50% reduced cooldown on the ability.
    • Range – This will increase the range of the spikes.
  • Ice Snipe (Row 2) – In contrast to its counterpart, this is a high impact sniper shot that deals a ton of damage to one target.
    • Damage Per Distance – This modifier will increase Ice Snipe’s damage the further it travels to the target.
    • Stun – This will increase the stun duration of the ability.
    • Cool Down – Reduces the cooldown timer of the ability.
  • Ice Barrier (Row 3) – Fully encases your character in ice, rendering you safe from nearby enemies but also unable to move until it is turned off.
    • Mana Regeneration – Gives you a temporary mana regeneration buff when the skill is used.
    • Displacement – This modifier will cause nearby enemies to be knocked back after the ability.
    • Speed – After deactivating the barrier, you will gain bonus movement and attack speed.
  • Snowball (Row 3) – Fires a snowball that will deal damage to anything within its radius and slows them as well.
    • Silence – This modifier will cause affected targets to be silenced for a few seconds.
    • Slow – This modifier will cause the snowball to temporarily reduce the attack and movement speed of affected enemies.
    • Cool Down – Reduces the cooldown timer by 30%.
Devas of Creation demonstration of ice barrier

And that wraps up this entire guide, as there are only a handful of weapons implemented in the game so far. Keep an eye out for future updates, because more options are sure to be added over time!


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