
Fisch: Best Rod & Enchant Tier List

Check out which rod and enchant will help you maximize the fish you catch!

Fisch on Roblox provides players with the ultimate fishing experience. Your ultimate goal is to get the best and biggest fish possible so that you can sell it for profit. This is where your fishing rods and the enchants you apply to them play a big role.

So, in this tier list, we’ll be looking at the best rods and enchant tier lists. We’ll be ranking them against each other so you can see which rod and enchant you should go for. Without further delay, let’s get into it!

Best Rod & Enchant Tier List

If you’re new to the game, then getting rods and enchants at the start will be difficult. This is because you’ll need to do a lot of farming to be able to start getting your rods.

So, we recommend you check out our best way to grind money guide. It’ll allow you to eventually get the best rods that we’ll be looking at in the tier lists.

Additionally, our opinions on the rankings are based on our opinions and experiences. It is very likely that your experience will be different, especially if the buffs the rods provide suit your playstyle more!

Best Rod Tier List

There are a total of 19 rods that are currently available in Fisch. So, we’ll be looking at each one and seeing what makes them good, mediocre and bad.

With that said, here is the best rod tier list for Fisch!

Best rods tier list for Fisch.

S Tier

  • The Magnet fishing rod can be used to catch loot and crates. You can then sell these crates and make a lot of money with this rod. As a result, it is one of the best rods for getting rich, especially considering it is quite easy to obtain.
  • We have the luckiest rod in the game in the form of the Destiny Rod. It gives you a permanent hefty luck boost every time you cast it. As a result, you’ll be catching rare fishes almost every single time!
  • You might be surprised by the Training Rod being here, but it’s considered one of the best. This is because you can AFK farm with it using macros. In this way, you can grind very easily with it in Fisch.
  • If you’re looking to catch Rainbow Fish, the Mythical Rod is an absolute must have. It gives you a 20% additional chance of catching rainbow fish. As a result, you’ll be able to catch these and turn a huge profit.
  • The Executive Rod is the best rod in the game but it’s also highly exclusive. Only game developers have this rod which is why you’re probably not going to get it!

A Tier

  • If you find it annoying to always wait for the right time to fish, the Nocturnal Rod is for you. You can use it to catch nocturnal and diurnal fish any time without having to wait. The fish will be coming in regardless of the circumstances!
  • The Fungal Rod has a 70% chance to release spores that give you Luck IV for 45 seconds! This is really good for catching rare fish. Getting your hands on this rod can be a bit inconvenient though as it’s linked to a quest.
  • When you want to fish in lava, the Magma Rod is going to be your go to. It’s going to be incredibly reliable in this area. On top of that, you can get it very easily through a quest making it very convenient and useful.

B Tier

  • The Kings Rod is incredibly expensive which is why it can put off a lot of people. The buff you get related to bigger fish is pretty decent so this rod can certainly be useful. But for the price, you can certainly get better rods.
  • With the Midas Rod, you have a 60% higher chance to get golden fish. This is very useful, but doesn’t provide the additional bonuses you get with the higher placed rods. But if you’re only looking for golden fish, this one is for you!

C Tier

  • The Lucky Rod is quite handy in the early game as it provides you with an early lucky option. In this way, you can start getting rare fishes as early as possible. You can purchase this rod easily at the starter island.
  • You can think of the Plastic Rod as a reliable budget friendly rod. It doesn’t do anything special, but it can last a while making it a good option to have. As a starter, you’ll want to have this rod until eventually you can move onto better rods.

D Tier

  • The Flimsy Rod is the default rod that provides absolutely no buffs or advantages. You get this one for free and you should only use it for your starting catches. After that, your goal should be to move away from it as soon as possible.
  • While it can be useful in oceans, the Steady Rod does not provide much else. It’s only really useful in a very specific scenario. Even then, you can certainly find better rod options.
  • The Rapid Rod is faster than the fast rod, but it doesn’t have any other special bonuses. So, the only thing it’s really good for is filling up your inventory fast and efficiently.
  • The Carbon Rod offers slightly better control at the cost of a shorter reach. So, it’s only really useful as a starter rod. There are easily better options that you can move to after a few more catches and money.
  • With the Fast Rod, you can catch fish really fast but not as fast as the Rapid Rod. It also lacks the strength and finesse you need for it to be useful. On top of that, the speed only really helps if you’re a starter.
  • The Fortune Rod also provides a lot of luck which can be useful. But there are better luck options, especially since you do not get much else. Additionally, this rod is also expensive.
  • If you’re looking for distance, the Long Rod is the best in the game. But in most cases, distance will never be a factor as you can just move your boat around or move your position easily.

Best Enchant Tier List

Next, we’ll be looking at the Enchants tier list. Specifically, we’ll be looking at the Blessings enchants as these are the ones that provide you with buffs. The curses only really debuff your rods.

In total, we’ll be looking at 17 enchants in the game.

With that said, here is the best enchant tier list for Fisch!

Best enchants tier list for Fisch.

S Tier

  • Scrapper is an amazing enchant that gives a 60% chance for bait to not get consumed. In this way, your bait reserves will last a lot longer, saving you a lot of money. This works really well when you’re using expensive bait.
  • Resilience is a crucial stat in Fisch and you need to have a decent amount of it later on. The Resilient enchant gives you an extra 35% resilience. This allows you to use rods that provide really good buffs but have low resilience, such as the Nocturnal rod.
  • The Divine enchant gives you a huge 45% luck increase. If you’re hunting for rare fishes, pairing this with any rod will already help you get more of them. You can use them on a powerful rod that lacks luck to get some amazing results.
  • If you’re looking to get bigger fish, look no further than the Sea King enchant. It makes the fish that you catch 10% bigger. So, you’ll be able to sell each fish that you catch more money, leading to better profit!
  • Impatient fishers will benefit a lot from the Swift enchant. It decreases the lure time by 30% allowing you to catch fish much faster. This can help a lot when you’re farming and want to fill your inventory fast.

A Tier

  • Wormhole is really useful as it increases your chances of catching a fish in a random place by 45%. So, if you’re someone who is trying to fill up their inventory and sell more fish for money, this is a great enchant to have.
  • The Controlled enchant offers increased rod control by increasing the bar size. This can be useful for catching harder fish. On top of that, it also works really well if you’re trying to do the AFK farming strat that works with the Training rod.
  • With Blessed, you have a 2% additional chance for getting shiny and sparkling fish. The chances for these fish are already less than 1%, so this is a significant boost. You’ll have a better chance getting those rare fish.
  • Steady reduces your progress loss by 25% which can be really useful. Progress plays an important role in the game and you do not want to lose out!
  • The Luck enchant straight up gives you an additional 20% luck boost. If you combine it with rods that give you luck, you’ll have a great time fishing up rare fish. In this way, you’ll be able to make more money too!

B Tier

  • If you’re fishing on a windy day, Breezed has you covered. It provides an additional 65% luck on windy days. While the luck increase is certainly useful, you’re only going to benefit from it in a specific scenario. So, it’s not going to do you much good overall.
  • As with the previous enchant, you’ll only benefit from Storming during a rainy day. You’ll get an extra 95% luck on rainy days which is huge. But again, you’re only going to be using it in a specific situation.
  • Unbreakable gives you additional strength which can be useful if you’re earlier in the game and need more strength. This is because starter rods tend to have poor strength. But later on, you can more than make up for it with better rods.
  • With Mutated, you get increased 7% mutation luck. There are so many mutation possibilities, which include really low rarity ones. So, overall you’re not going to benefit much. It’s better to use the rods that give way better stats for rarer fish.
  • Translucent offers a 20% chance for fish to be translucent. This is only useful if you’re looking for this specific type of fish. You can use other enchants instead that offer a better chance for more valuable and rarer fish instead of this one.

C Tier

  • Long is pretty useless in the long run as all it really gives you is an increased line distance of 50 studs. This increased distance doesn’t help much at all as you can just move your position nearer to the fish in most cases.
  • The Insight enchant offers an extra 1.5 XP for each fish you catch. This is mostly useless as the additional XP is not going to do you any favors in the long run. You’re better off using an enchant with better buffs.

That’s everything you need to know for the best rod and enchant tier lists in Fisch. Now you know exactly which rods and enchants you want to target. You can also make combinations based on the insights we told you for the best results possible!


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