Genshin Impact is here with a new update Version 5.2 “Tapestry of Spirit and Flame” where we, as travelers, acquire the help of our Saurian friends to uncover mysteries and solve puzzles.
We hope you’re on good terms with the flying Saurians Iktomisaurus because we’ll need them in this Island’s seal quest. Let’s learn more about it.
Continue Undoing the Island’s Seal Guide
This mission is part of the “Mystery of the Tecoloapan Beach Quest” where players must undo seals by traveling to two different locations. Along the way, you’ll need to travel to different parts of the Natlan map and use the Saurians’ ability to solve puzzles.
Keep reading for the full walkthrough of the “Continue Undoing the Island’s Seal” quest.
First Location
Once you reach the quest marker for this quest in the flying Saurian state, you’ll need to align the symbol between two cliffs.

Doing so will take you to your designated island. Before you’re taken to the new island, there will be some fog until it slowly dissipates. After this, you will also have a new quest marker to follow.

Travel to this location. The path is very straightforward and you’ll know you’re at the correct location when you grow closer to the beam of light coming from the sky onto the seal. This beam of light can also be seen from a distance.

Over at the quest area, the saurian will need to use its ability to interact with the puzzles. While you are at it, defeat any enemies in your way, and don’t forget to collect the chest!

Next, you’ll need to use your ability once again to interact with the symbol on the wall behind the chest. Doing so will open up a pathway inside the cliff.

Follow along the path until you reach another flying Saurian that stands on top of a reflection of a wooden ladder. The saurian will quickly vanish and you’ll need to approach the area where the saurian previously stood.
Interact with the tiny beam of light that’s on the side and fall into the large opening on the ground.

Once you’re at the very bottom interact at the torch symbol on the walls with your ability in the saurian state and then at the glowing circle on the floor to summon torches. Go into the next room and the gate will close behind you.

But don’t worry, you can summon the torch by interacting with the one on the wall of the same room and placing the torch on the glowing circle next to the door. The gate will open for you.
Puzzle Solution
In this puzzle, you’ll need to light up all three torches in the triangle of the initial room. As the voice says, use the torches in each corner.
- Use the torch that’s on the further end of the initial room (with the two torches and a triangle on the ground), on the glowing circle that’s in the second room, near the gate.
- Use the torch on the wall of the second room, on the glowing circle that’s in the initial room, nearest to the gate.
- The torch on the wall in the initial room on the opposite side (close to where you dropped down) goes on the glowing circle closest to it.
- The torch in the same room once again but at the further end needs to be re-used but this time on the glowing circle that is closest to it to complete the triangle.
Completing the triangle will summon some more enemies that you need to defeat. Defeating them will form another opening in the ground that you need to fall inside of.

Once you reach the bottom, interact with the symbol on the wall while in your saurian state. This way, you will trigger a whirl current that takes you all the way to the top, back outside the cliff. Head to the travel waypoint marked by the quest marker and transport to the second location.

Second Location
The quest marker will lead you to an Iktomisaurus. Approaching it will trigger another wind current that launches you into the air.

In the air, you’ll need to approach the saurian standing on a floating rock (which should also have a quest marker on it). You’ll need to hop from one current to another until a cut scene appears.
The cutscene shows floating rock platforms leading to a bigger platform in the air. Jump on the first platform and trigger your flying saurian state.
Next, before you land on the platform, you’ll need to fly above it and interact with the portion of the symbol with your main ability.

It is a shattered stone and it is missing its part. You’ll need to restore this stone. Float to the platform at the bottom of this tiny floating island.

Complete the symbol using your ability on the missing part. This should restore the seal and complete the “Continue Undoing the Island’s Seal” quest!