Dead Rails: How To Easily Clear The Fort Guide

Fun fact: The Fort is more profitable than the Castle! Here's why.

Christian Gallos
6 Min Read

Looking to take down the Military Fort Constitution in Dead Rails? Whether you’re a solo player or rolling in with a squad, this guide will show you the best strategies to clear the fort quickly and efficiently. If you’re anything like me, your first few attempts may have been a disaster, but don’t worry! I’ve got you covered with everything you need to know.

How To Easily Clear The Fort Guide

The Military Fort Constitution spawns near the 60km Outpost, and while it’s not the hardest raid in the game, going in unprepared can still get you wrecked. I’ll break down how to tackle it both solo and with a team, plus how to make the most profit from this run. Let’s dive in!

Before heading in, make sure you have:

  • A rifle & shotgun – Bring at least 60 bullets each.
  • Snake Oil – Heals and boosts speed (bring at least 3-5).
  • Full armor – Optional but highly recommended.
  • A horse – Helps with quick repositioning and escaping if needed.
  • DaylightDO NOT raid at night unless you want to make things 10x harder.

If you’re solo, you’ll need extra ammo and healing since you won’t have teammates covering you. With a team, you can be a bit more aggressive.

Entering the Fort & Clearing Enemies

Once you reach Fort Constitution, enemies will immediately start attacking. Your approach depends on whether you’re playing solo or with a squad.

Team Strategy

  1. Split up – Zombies spawn from both left and right, so divide your team to handle both sides.
  2. Cover each other – Rifle users should stay back and provide support while shotgun users push in.
  3. Be patient – After clearing the initial wave, wait! A Horseman Zombie and reinforcements will spawn outside before you can loot.
  4. Look for the Black Shirt Zombie – This one drops a key that unlocks the loot room. You can also sell it for $150.

Solo Strategy

  1. Lure zombies outside – Fighting in the open is easier than getting swarmed inside.
  2. Headshots are your best friend – Zombies don’t have extra health, so aim carefully.
  3. Use the fort walls for cover – Peek out to shoot and retreat if overwhelmed.
  4. Stay mobile – Having a horse makes repositioning much easier, especially when dealing with multiple enemies.

Once all zombies are cleared, grab the key and don’t loot immediately—more enemies might spawn.

Looting & Making Money

Now that the fort is clear, it’s time to collect your rewards! Here’s what you can find:

  • Armory Building – Contains guns, ammo, and bandages.
  • Supply Depot (Needs Key) – Inside, you’ll find:
    • Treasury bonds – Can be sold for cash.
    • Cannon & ammo – A powerful new weapon.
    • Extra supplies – Useful for your next raid.

Important Tip: The real money here isn’t just in the weapons—it’s in the bodies! Each dead zombie can be sold for $35, making this fort more profitable than the Castle.

Dealing with Reinforcements & Using The Cannon

Just when you think it’s over, the game throws mounted enemies at you as you try to leave. These horseback enemies can be a pain, so be ready:

  • Use your rifle to take them out before they get too close.
  • Shotgun works well if they charge at you.
  • Snake Oil can save you in tight situations.

Once the reinforcements are handled, head to the Sheriff’s Office and sell Captain Prescott’s corpse for $150. If you grabbed the cannon, let’s talk about how to use it.

The Cannon is one of the most exciting rewards from the fort raid. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Place it on your train – Works like a turret.
  • Load cannonballs next to it – This is your ammo.
  • Press E to fire – Deals massive AOE damage.

Cannon Downsides:

  • Has a 3–4 second reload time.
  • Cannonballs are rare—you can’t buy them, only loot them from forts.

If you know another way to get more cannonballs, drop a comment below!


That’s everything you need to know to clear the fort easily and make bank in Dead Rails! Whether you’re playing solo or with friends, this guide should help you dominate the fort, loot it efficiently, and profit big. Have questions? Leave a comment down below m8, and I’ll do my best to help!

Christian has been deep in the gaming world for over a decade, transitioned from being a League of Legends: Wild Rift Esports player to creating video game content full-time. He's dabbled in all kinds of genres and platforms, building not just skills but a long list of games played along the way. These days, Christian is all about sharing that passion, making content that feels real, relatable, connected and most importantly, helpful to the gaming community!
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