Arcane Lineage Berserker Location Guide (Light & Dark)

Arcane Lineage: Berserker Location Guide (Light & Dark)

Get your hands on this Chaotic superclass!

Argie Maputi
3 Min Read

Want to take your Warrior to the next level in Arcane Lineage? If that’s the case, then the Chaotic superclass, the Berserker, is for you. Known for its rather aggressive playstyle, the Berserker is the obvious choice if you want to pummel all of your enemies to oblivion. Here’s how you can unlock it.

Berserker Location Guide (Light & Dark)

To unlock the Berserker, you’ll need to talk to an NPC named Kayrein. Sound easy enough, right? Well, the only problem is that he can be hard to find if you don’t know where to look.

Getting to this NPC is actually the trickiest part, considering where his location is.

First of all, you want to drink an Abhorrent Elixir to reduce monster encounters for 1 whole minute. This simply makes it easier to navigate through the area without having to stop.

Deeproot Canopy entrance

It’s worth noting that the location for the Berserker trainer has been updated. Before, you could find him after going through a series of parkours in Deeproot Depths.

You can still find him within the area, but the process has become a lot easier. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Head over to the Deeproot Canopy. Once you get there, turn left and hug the wall to the right as possible.
  2. Then, turn right on and continue heading straight.
  3. Keep going until you find a crevice to the left. Go down the crevice, then parkour through the ledge until you reach the entrance to Deeproot Depths.
  4. Once you’re inside Deeproot Depths, simply follow the path until you reach an area with purple, glowing mushrooms.
  5. Turn left and just follow the path until you find a huge area at the bottom. From there, you’ll be able to find NPC Kayrein.
  6. Simply head toward the area, talk to the NPC, and unlock the Berserker class.

Wrapping Things Up

As you can see, finding the Berserker trainer is a lot easier compared to the previous Berserker location. With this, you should be able to enjoy the superclass as soon as possible!

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