If you’re looking to maximize your Bonds while playing solo in Dead Rails, the Conductor class is an absolute game-changer. With its ability to speed up the train significantly, you can blaze through the map and optimize your looting efficiency. However, it comes with trade-offs, you’ll have half the normal health and won’t spawn with a melee weapon. Don’t worry, though! With the right strategy, you’ll overcome these downsides and rack up Bonds like a pro.
How to Get A LOT of Bonds SOLO Using the Conductor Class
To use this method, you first need to unlock the Conductor class. You can buy it from Taylor’s store in the game lobby for 50 Bonds. The main perk? You can drive the train faster than normal! But you’ll also have lower max health and no starting melee weapon. In fact, you only need 16 coal to go from 0km to 80km when using the Conductor class.
To counter these downsides, purchase a rifle from the Gunsmith for 5 Bonds. It has excellent range and damage. Alternatively, take down the three bandits that spawn behind the base to earn enough money for a rifle without spending Bonds.

What To Buy At Spawn & Looting Towns (Maximizing Bonds)
Right when the game starts, do the following:
- Sell the gold bar at the Trading Post.
- Buy a rifle from the Gunsmith.
- Grab rifle ammo to stay prepared.
- Pick up coal at the General Store.
- Get a newspaper (it can be used as extra defense).
Bonus Tip: There are three bandits that spawn behind the starting base. Defeat them to get extra money for your rifle instead of spending Bonds!
Recent updates have made looting towns way more profitable. Now, every town has at least one bank, which means free Bonds if you can crack the vault!
- Use your rifle for long-range attacks since the Conductor has no melee weapon.
- Loot every bank you find, broken banks now drop Bonds, which is a huge bonus.
- Save one bank code and weld it onto the back of your train as a license plate (just for fun!).
- If you have two guns, reload one while switching to the other for continuous fire.
Tip: Tap reload after every bullet hit—it speeds up your shooting and makes it feel like you have infinite ammo. Trust me, it’s way better than getting caught in a slow reload mid-fight and ending up zombie food!

First Fort – What to Buy
Once you’ve cleared Town 1, head straight to the nearest fort and: Buy armor (since Conductor has no defensive perks). Keep buying armor at every fort until fully geared. Lastly, stock up on coal whenever possible.
Alternative Tip: If you find a station selling metal sheets, grab three of them and board up the engine room. This lets you AFK safely inside!
Key Landmarks – What to Do
At 25,000 meters, you’ll reach either: Fort Constitution – Skip looting the castle if this spawns, or Tesla Building – Loot the castle here for the Electrocutioner gun, which makes fights much easier. If Fort Constitution appears, grab Bonds from the Supply Depot, loot the Armory, and move on.
Tip: Use Holy Water or a Lightning Rod to quickly reload the Electrocutioner gun.
Also, if you find it helpful, I have a guide on how to easily clear the Fort Constitution in Dead Rails!

Late-Game Shopping Strategy & The Bridge – How to Prepare
By now, you should be fully geared. Here’s what to focus on:
- Buy extra ammo, snake oil, and weapons.
- Stockpile Holy Water—it’s great for both healing and countering cursed enemies.
- At 80km, place a line of barbed wire at the gate. This stops all bandits and zombies from moving forward, making fights much easier.
Once you reach the bridge, here’s what to do:
- Clear out bandits quickly and loot nearby houses.
- Lower the bridge early in the morning—this ensures you fight the horde during the day. (If you lower it at night, extra zombies will spawn.)

Final Results – Total Bonds You Can Earn
On average, you’ll earn more than 100+ Bonds per run, securing more than 50+ Bonds from loot, and 50+ loots from completing challenges by using this strategy and route. The Conductor can be a good class for soloing farming for Bonds but to be honest, the Cowboy class (also 50 Bonds) is another great solo option. It spawns with a revolver, two ammo, a horse, and a saddle. You can even farm Bonds at the start by selling loot from defeated NPC cowboys!
If you want to farm bonds using the Arsonist class as well, do check out our bonds farming guide using that class! Alternatively, you can also check out our Priest class bonds farming guide.