Genshin Impact Give A Bowl Of Delicious Radish Veggie Soup To Arapacati

Genshin Impact: Give A Bowl Of Delicious Radish Veggie Soup To Arapacati

Jon Suan
3 Min Read

While doing quests in Genshin Impact there are often times where you do another quest inside the quest. These quests are often smaller than the quest they came from but sometimes they can pile up. This quest though takes a quest because this quest requires you to do several miniquests in the area! In the quest Festival Utsava you’re tasked with “Enjoy Festival Utsava With Aranara In The Vanarana In The Dream” which basically is a series of small miniquests you must do! In this guide we’ll show you how to do one of these mini quests – Give A Bowl Of Delicious Radish Veggie Soup To Arapacati!

Give A Bowl Of Delicious Radish Veggie Soup To Arapacati In Genshin Impact

While mingling with the NPCs in the Festival Utsava you’ll notice a few of them around some campfires with pots on them. They’re there to cook and to eat, it’s a festival after all, what kind of festival doesn’t have food to enjoy? Well, you can join in the preparation of the food and with that you’ll need to get some water for them. After doing that you’ll get a task to give a bowl of soup to another NPC.

Source: WoW Quests – YouTube

All you need to do is go to the NPC “Arapacati” which is just near the area and talk to them. After talking to them for a bit your inventory will open and you’ll have to select the “Delicious Radish Veggie Soup” item to give it to them. Once you give them the soup, you’ll get a cute little cutscene with them enjoying the food!

After that the quest will finish and you’ll get to continue enjoying the festival.

Congratulations you now know how to give that radish soup to Arapacati in the Festival, now go out there and try it yourself! Massive thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how this part of the quest works, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Give a bowl of Delicious Radish Veggie Soup to Arapacati Genshin Impact – YouTube

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An aspiring Game Journalist and Fiction writer.
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