MIR4 is all about how powerful you are. You will be building various types of builds that will get you stronger and stronger. If you have all the good gear and best armors but still lack the skill, it is all worthless! That is why we are here to the rescue! In this Arbalist guide, you will learn how to PvP in MIR4 as well as some PvE tips for Mobs. Let’s get started.
Ultimate PvP Guide For Arbalist – MIR4
Arbalist class is a Glass Cannon Class. It means that it is a very high DPS class but when it comes to taking damage and survivability it will lack and be extremely squishy at times. You will need to deal a lot of damage while having a way of getting away from direct threats and combat.
When going into a fight make sure that you have your Ultimate skill ready. Make sure to disable the auto-attack because for the Arbalist class you won’t be needing it. Starting unnecessary flights is not something that you’ll go after. Always ready up your PvP, decks, pots, and scrolls.
1v1 Situations
When you’ll be fighting enemies in a 1v1 situation you will always want to make your attack first. When fighting make sure to keep your distance as much as possible. You can use your various skill to keep your distance from your enemy.
Always wait for your skills to cool down before fighting back with enemies.
Skills To Be Used

Always make sure that your ultimate – Arrow Rain, will be active if going into fights.
This can mean anything from 1v1 to full boss fights the Arbalist isn’t very strong without its ultimate. As you can see it has only 10 seconds so it means that it recharges very quickly.
In battles, you will use this skill, use the other ones that you’ll have, and back off. Then come back with the ultimate once again and this is the method that you’ll be doing damage and actually killing somebody.
It does extreme amounts of damage so even that backing off time will not mean anything. There are many other skills for this class but these are the most useful ones.
When using these skills you will want to keep a combination of them. Always end your combos with the Arrow Rain. This is strategically this way so you will get the enemy to be unprepared and his defensive buffs to go down.
Never use the same combos over and over again. It is MIR4, so it means that if an enemy learns of your combos they can come up with their own counter combos.
Fighting Mobs

When fighting Mobs you wouldn’t have any problems with the Arbalist Class. You can target multiple enemies at once and literally wipe the ground from them.
You will just want to keep your distance and shoot from afar. If the mobs start gaining up on you make sure to use your skills to keep them at bay.
Try to stack up the Mobs into one area at once so when you strike with Arrow Rain you’ll get to kill a whole lot of them. Most of the mobs will die easily from this skill.
That is it! We hope that this guide was helpful and guided you to become the best Arbalist in the game! Have fun!
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