Genshin Impact All Khemenu Temple Sacred Seals

Genshin Impact: All Khemenu Temple Sacred Seals

Elijah Hernandez
5 Min Read

Finding all of the Sacred Seals can take some time, as there are multiple temples in the new desert map of Sumeru. Still, that won’t stop gamers such as yourself from collecting them. After all, a new update with new content to explore, who doesn’t want to experience new content from a game that they have spent money on? In this guide, we will be focusing on finding all of the Sacred Seals in the Khemenu Temple, which are only 6 of them. But finding them is no easy task, so grab your gamer drink and let’s get to work.

All Khemenu Temple Sacred Seals – Genshin Impact

The first Sacred Seal is the Thunderstrike seal.

Starting from the Teleport Waypoint near the Mausoleum of King Deshret entrance. Turn around and head back down the steps.

Turn left and you should see the Thunderstrike Sacred Steal leaning against a broken piece of a structure.

The second Sacred Seal is the Dune seal.

Near the last location of the Thunderstrike Sacred Seal, go to the right side of the stairs and jump and glide. Your goal is the little bit of ruin that you can see next to the larger ruin to the right.

There are a lot of grappling points, so use those to your advantage. Once you get to this piece of ruin, you will find the Dune Sacred Seal leaning against it. There will be an enemy near it, so either take it down or simply grab the Sacred Seal and run away.

The next Sacred Seal is the Arm.

Use the Statue of the Seven waypoint to teleport near the location. Once you spawn in, face the temple and jump off and glide towards it.

The Arm Sacred Seal is lying down on a piece of the destroyed temple. You will see it once you get closer from gliding.

The next seal is another Thunderstrike Sacred Seal.

Starting from the location where you collected the Arm Sacred Seal, climb up the destroyed temple.

You should see a hole in the roof that leads to the interior of the temple. Jump down and glide to avoid fall damage.

Entering the interior, take a right into the large hall.

Approach this door that’s on the left side of the hall. Interact with the console to open it and enter.

Go down the corridor and you should see an enemy inside. Next to it is the Thunderstrike Sacred Seal. Again, you can fight the enemy or ignore it.

The next Sacred Seal is the Valley.

Use this Teleport Waypoint to spawn to a location near the Sacred Seal.

Once spawned in, go down the corridor that’s on the left of the Teleport Waypoint.

There will be a hole that leads down. Jump down it and glide to avoid fall damage.

Follow the corridor until it leads you to a room. The first thing you should see is the Valley Sacred Seal.

The next and final Sacred Seal is the Sunrise seal.

Use this Teleport Waypoint again to spawn to a location near the seal.

Instead of going down the corridor that is left of the Teleport Waypoint, you will be going down this corridor, which is the middle pathway.

You will enter a large room with an elevator in the middle. Enter the elevator and activate it.

The elevator will take you down to a large room. Look to your right and you should see the last Sacred Seal, the Sunrise seal. After that, you are pretty much done.

READ NEXT: Genshin Impact: All Sacred Seals Mausoleum of King Deshret

Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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