FIFA 23 has a lot of new things to offer. You will need to take care of your formations, tactics, and instructions even way than before and they can impact on how many games you can actually win. In this guide, we will be giving you the best build possible for FC Barcelona. Let’s get started.
Best FC Barcelona Formation, Tactics, Instructions | Complete Guide – FIFA 23
FC Barcelona is a very good team to play as. You will be having a really good time and a lot of fun when playing them because the players are good in all overall positions. You will have a balanced defense with a balanced offense too.

This is how you should make your squad to be placed in. As you can see you will put Stegen as your goalkeeper. Going from there, you will put Alba, Kounce, Araujo, and Bellerin to be your backs, with Kessie going out a little bit in the middle field.
Then Pedri and De Jong will stay a little bit in the front with Dembele, Raphinh, and Wandowski in the very front. They will be your goal scorers and they will offer you the power and mobility that you will need in counterattacks.
The formation will be placed to be a 4-3-3 as you can see from the picture and into holding mode. Now let’s take a look at the tactics:

You will want to play a defensive style. This is an overall balanced style where your players will go to the back when needed but also stay on the offensive when a good moment will appear. You will choose the balanced defensive style option with a width and depth of 40-50 ratio.
When it comes to the offense you will choose the fast build-up option for the build-up play. The chance creation will be put on balance with a width of 40. Then you will make the players in a box maximum of 4 and 2 on the corners. This is the ideal setup for the Barcelona team.
For the instructions, you will want to make all of your back players to be staying back while attacking. This is crucial so that they do not leave the goalkeeper on his own while on the move. You will place all of the forward players on default and only Lewanowski to stay on Stay Central when defending.
That’s everything you need to know about FC Barcelona. We hope that this guide will give you the victories that you need with this amazing team. Good luck!
ALSO READ: FIFA 23: Best Chelsea Formation, Tactics & Instructions | Complete Guide