
Lego Bricktales: Desert Cave Puzzle – How To Get Hieroglyphs & Leave Cave

Delving into ruins is always fun!

Lego Bricktales Desert Cave Puzzle - How To Get Hieroglyphs & Leave Cave

Lego games have always been a well-loved series in the video game sphere and has had many great games over the years. The games are often charming and silly and because of that it’s endearing to many players when they play these games. Not to mention a lot of people grew up playing with Legos when they were a kid and now that there’s video games of it some people play them for nostalgia. Now that there’s a new Lego game out there called Lego Bricktales, there’s more Lego content players can have fun around now, and in this Desert Cave Puzzle guide, we’ll show you how to do one of the puzzles in the game.

Desert Cave Puzzle – How To Get Hieroglyphs & Leave Cave In Lego Bricktales

Lego Bricktales is a puzzle game with some sandbox elements to it, that’s why you’ll see a lot of puzzles around the game when you play it. Some of these puzzles can be easy like simple jigsaw puzzles, while others need a bit more effort to solve because of their complexity. This puzzle is more complex than the others and we’ll try to help you in solving it!

Source: No-Nonsense Guides – YouTube

The first two hieroglyphs you can get is pretty easy to get to. Just use your ability to make the visible and materialize them. Don’t forget to materialize the valve in the middle as well!

Source: No-Nonsense Guides – YouTube

The valve in the middle can be turned to access the right or left side of the puzzle. First to make things easier, use the central valve to move turn the walls and then materialize the two other valves at the sides.

Source: No-Nonsense Guides – YouTube

Now that the two valves are materialized, go to the right valve and turn it right. Then go to the center valve and turn it left. Finally go to the left valve and turn it right. This will let you access the area where there’s a lever, pull that lever to unlock the top right room.

Source: No-Nonsense Guides – YouTube

Now that the upper right room is open, go to the left valve and turn it left. Then just follow the path shown above to get to the last hieroglyph!

Source: No-Nonsense Guides – YouTube

Now to get out is simple, on the corners are 4 torches with destructible Legos next to them. You’ll need to destroy the things next to the torches so that they can ignite. Once all totems are ignited the way out will open.

  1. Ignite the upper right torch.
  2. Turn the right valve left.
  3. Ignite the lower right torch.
  4. Turn the right valve right.
  5. Ignite the lower left torch.
  6. Turn the left valve right.
  7. Ignite the upper left torch.

Once all the torches are ignited, the way out will open and you’re good to go!

Congratulations you now know how to do this puzzle in Lego Bricktales, now go out there and do the puzzle yourself! Many thanks to No-Nonsense Guides for showing everyone how this puzzle works, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Lego Bricktales Desert Cave Puzzle – How to get Hieroglyphs & Leave Cave – YouTube

READ NEXT: Lego Bricktales: Build A Pyramid | Desert Puzzle


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