In this quest, you will be going through NPCs to investigate, fight, and discover secret places. To unlock the Those Tainted by Demonic Energy Mystery Quest, you need to complete the first Crystalline Forest Request missions. So, stick with our guide and we will show you how to complete this quest.
MIR4: Mystery Those Tainted by Demonic Energy Clue 1 – 9 Complete Guide

First, open the Global map and go to Bicheon town. After that, select fast travel in Wi Myeong-ok. Once you are there, talk to Wi Myeong-ok, and you will complete the first clue.

For the second clue, head to the map and select the Gunhun Resident NPC, and click the button Fast Travel. Once you are there, search for Gunhun and interact with him to complete the second clue.

For the third clue, head to the Fervid Miner Gwak Cheong Resident NPC. Once you go there with Fast Travel, you will complete the third clue. Interact with Fervid Miner Gwak Cheong, and you will complete the fourth clue.

For the following clue, head to the Darksteel Mining Site by clicking the button Fast Travel. Once you are there, head straight and climb to the wall. Once you are up, check the green light, and then it will summon one enemy. Defeat him, and the clue is completed.

The next mystery will be located in the Resident NPC Fervid Miner Gwak Cheong. Find him on the map and fast-travel to him. Once you are there, interact with him, and the clue is completed, and move to the next one.

The next clue will be more challenging than the others. Head to the Lv.33 Shadow Aegis Ascetic Demon and collect 50 Purified Silver by killing enemies.

Next, head to the Secret Passage 1-3 W. Entrance, and climb up this wall. Once you are at the top, go to the green light, and it will spawn one boss that you need to defeat to complete the Mystery.
That is all you need to know about completing the Mystery Those Tainted by Demonic Energy. So, now that you know how to complete it get back in the game and finish it. Many thanks to Silaw Akap from YouTube for providing information. If you want more information check out the video here: Mir4 Mystery Those Tainted by Demonic Energy Clue 1-9 Complete Guide.
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