There’s a new Bayonetta game and it’s filled to the brim with action, fighting and style. Bayonetta 3 is out, and it has all of the good hack and slash gameplay the previous games had but with new mechanics added into the mix as well. The game follows the continuation of Bayonetta’s story as she now has to face an unknown foe that is neither demon nor angel as she goes through beautifully made levels fighting all sorts of things. The game also features a lot of collectibles and secrets the player can try and find and in this guide, we’ll show you where to find one.
Chapter 8 Secret Room (Bewitchment Guide) | Bayonetta 3
There’s a lot of hidden stuff in Bayonetta 3, there’s around a ton of collectibles hidden all across the chapters of the game. Not to mention that some of them are locked behind challenges and it gets a bit confusing.
There are also hidden rooms and passageways that lead to more hidden stuff and in this guide, we’ll show you where the secret room in Chapter 8 is.

So at one point in the chapter, you’ll get to the underground temple, there you can find a room filled with poison. To the right side of the room are a bunch of statues, and the first one to the right is your target. Use a summons to destroy a portion of that statue and go inside to get into the hidden room!

Congratulations you now know how to get into the hidden room in Chapter 8 of Bayonetta 3. Now go out there and try it yourself! Many thanks to 100% Guides for showing everyone where to find this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Bayonetta 3 Chapter 8 Secret Room (Bewitchment Guide) – YouTube
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