Sometimes getting some type of Pokemon isn’t as easy as going on the map and picking it up with a Pokeball. One of those harder-to-get pokemon is the Gengar. In this guide, we shall be showing you everything that you need to know about how to get it. Let’s get started.
Pokemon Scarlet And Violet – How To Get Gengar Without Friends
There are a couple of things that you will need to do first in order to be able to actually find and get the Gengar. Here we shall list them one by one as you need to do them:
Pincurchin Location
First on the agenda is to be able to find Pincurchin. You are able to get this Pokemon by heading over to the southeast part of the map. You shall need this pokemon to be able to trade later on in this guide. This is its location:

When you get here you will need to head to the south side of this map region and then you shall find a Pokemon looking like this:

It is very small so you won’t need to actually be going into battle with it. Instead, just throw your Poke Ball and you shall be good to go.
NPC That Trades Gengar
Now you shall need to come to this very same NPC and you will need to trade for her Haunter. When you get it as a Haunter you are able to, later on, evolve it and make it become a Gengar.

You will need to get inside the Lavencia town which is a very big center located on the east side of the map. Once you get here you will get to the very same location as shown here.
Here you will find a big water well with a Pokemon dealer asking for a Pincurching in return for the Haunter.
And that’s it! Now you shall need to just evolve your Haunter into a Gengar and that is how you obtain it.
We hope that this guide has been useful and aided you in the task of you getting yourself a Gengar Pokemon. Have fun doing it yourself!