There are some achievements in Darktide that require a lot of time and effort but can be simply finished if you know the right tricks. In this guide, we shall be showing you how to complete the Make Every Shot Count with a cheesy trick too. Let’s get started.
Make Every Shot Count Achievement | Warhammer – Darktide
First of all, you shall need to find a group on Discord. We recommend that you will find a total of 3 people that know what they are doing and that will be willing to help you out with this achievement. You will need people who are going to listen to you.

Then you will want to find a Mission that will actually suit you the best. We could recommend anything from the map that isn’t an assassination since they might be the hardest when it comes to getting this achievement. Instead, just go ahead and choose these:
- Silo Cluster
- Smelter Complex
- Espionage Mission – with the elevator at the end
Then you will need to play this mission and objective until the very end and until it is completed. You shall do this except when you have the extraction. You will need to say to your teammates just to sit and murder enemies while you ALT + F4 and come right back in.

As you go through this mission, you don’t want to pick up any ammo and you will want to get your ammo down as low as possible. Preferably use these guns that will help out the most with this achievement:
- Stub Pistol
- Bolter
- Plasma Gun
- Autogun (Braced)
You will expend everything except for one bullet, this can also work with Lasguns mainly because of this reason too.
Once you have wasted all that ammo one except for the last bullet, just ALT + F4 at the very end and load back into the game. Now, wait for an enemy that you can hit to approach you(killing will not be necessary). Once you have hit this enemy, you will have 100 accuracies because all of your stats have reset from the restart.
Now just Extract with your team and walla! Achievement unlocked! Congratulations!
We hope that this guide has given you this achievement as well. A big thank you to Cinder_Ash for these amazing details. Have fun doing it yourself!
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