Exploring ruins long forgotten ruins is a big trope in RPGs and adventure games and even in movies. Every knows about Indiana Jones and his adventures, and we try to experience that as well in video games, that’s why so many follows this trope. One Piece Odyssey despite being an anime game also uses this trope and there’s a lot of ruins to explore in this game. In this guide we’ll show you how to go through the Thunderhead Ruins in One Piece Odyssey, for those who are a bit lost on where to go to next!
One Piece Odyssey: Explore the Thunderhead Ruins
When you enter the area you’ll have to use Luffy to jump the gap going east, you can use the grab point above to swing to the next part of the area. Proceed down south to the first big room of the ruins.

There a small cutscene will play showing the electrical machines in the ruins, you’ll see more of these later, for now continue through the ruins.

You’ll see the first electrical switch there and you can activate it twice to open the paths to the west and north. We’ll want to go to the west and deeper down the ruins.

Once you get to the Thunderhead Ruins B2F you’ll find two other switches here. Activate the closest one to you twice, and activate the other one twice as well. You’ll see a cutscene where there’s the big room with an electrical shield, go there for another cutscene.

There you’ll find the Thunder Colossus, and to release this thing you’ll need to deactivate the 4 pylons around it. This is the puzzle part of the ruins but don’t worry, we have a guide right here to show you how to do this puzzle: Electric Floor Puzzle Thunderhead Ruins – One Piece Odyssey

Once you solve the puzzle and remove the shield, go back to the center where a cutscene will play. A boss fight will happen and if you win another cutscene will play and you would have completed the Thunderhead Ruins area!

Congratulations you now know how to do this part of the quest in One Piece Odyssey, now go out there and try to do it yourself! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Explore the Thunderhead Ruins One Piece Odyssey – YouTube
ALSO READ: Exit the Ruins Guide – One Piece Odyssey